Party Time
Congratulations, Sling. Welcome to the Exalted Order of the Koihead.
Labels: Exalted Order of Koihead
Have fun stormin' the castle!
Labels: Exalted Order of Koihead
Labels: garden things, Gilmore girls, seasons
Labels: Flylady, The Neighbor
Labels: Exalted Order of Koihead, The Neighbor
Labels: shoes
Labels: Project Runway, The Neighbor
Labels: The Neighbor
Labels: The Neighbor
Labels: The Neighbor
Labels: 412
So the other night, a bunch of us bloggers got together. Charlie was just back from holiday, having gone to China to hunt cats. JP had been missing him so he called up me & Amy and we decided to take him down to the local for a pint. We knew Pat would be there anyway so off we went.
It was very spur of the moment but I still don't think that excuses Amy and I pulling off on our way there to do our makeup in the Chevron ladies room. What were we thinking? The lighting was horrible and in our excitement to see Charlie again we totally neglected to apply a little foundation on our necks. Mary Kay is spinning in her grave.
Not that it mattered. JP is gay, Charlie was tired and Pat, well, Pat was a little deep into the sherry if you know what I mean. He didn't even mention my superfantastic hat and he usually always notices those sorts of things. Actually, it's a good thing he didn't notice our makeup...he can be really vicious when he wants to be. And besides, we weren't there to be glamor pusses. It was all about sitting at Charlie's feet (which Pat took literally as the night wore on), listening to his tales in that fantastic Scottish brogue and wishing like hell we were all half as talented a writer as he is.
I wish I hadn't had that 3rd fried Mars bar and I'm not sure Amy enjoyed the haggis-tini as much as she said. But we forgot all about our discomfort when JP got up on the table and did a medley of his favorite Hillary Duff tunes. That boy loves his pop music. All in all, a great evening.
Editoral Note: Ok. I suck at photosmacking. What are you going to do? And I couldn't find a decent picture of Pat on his blog so I kypped the bandito from his brillant photo essay on immigration instead. I think that's pretty funny (both the use of Bandito and the essay). I am easily amused.
Editorial Note 2: When I said I couldn't find a decent picture of Pat I didn't mean to imply that he looks like a hodag or something. The photos were all just too tiny. So I used Bandito instead. And besides, he's using one of the bandito shots for his avatar so he obviously feels a kinship with the little fella. It's symbolic.
Editorial Note 3: We so did too try to call you. It's not our fault if you had your cell turned off. Next time, ok?
Labels: The Neighbor
The Spouse will say that "the gland is secreting" but that really only applies to those times when I suddenly rearrange all the furniture in a room.
Today's mood is different. This is the mood that sends me into cupboards and drawers, tossing and organizing. It's the mood that results in 412 pounds of recycling and a pile of stuff on the parking strip with a sign that reads "Free", because I'm in such a mood that I don't even want to keep the culled stuff in a box in the garage for the next time that Community Services has a truck in my neighborhood.
I am in a mood to divest myself of stuff.
I'm not a clutter kind of girl. Never really have been. If I replace a pillow or can opener I toss the old one. I don't have shelves full of Hummels. My wardrobe is pared to basics that all go with each other. I don't have "fat clothes" or "5 more pounds off and I'll fit into these again" clothes. But even so, stuff accumulates. And when it gets to a certain point I have to deal with it. I like knowing that there isn't anything in the house that isn't useful or beautiful. Beautiful to me, anyway.
I have already cleaned out my Big Notebook of Organization, the one in which I keep things like volleyball schedules and grocery lists. I have tidied out the drawer where all the plastic storage containers live. Next stop is the coat closet and then I'm taking on the linen closet. After that will probably be the Detritus Drawer, the one in the kitchen where we keep hammers and rubber bands and half-used tubes of SuperGlue. That'll be reduced to essentials by noon. There may even be a session with The Child, wherein we try to reduce by half her 2 baskets of toys and general kid crap.
Sometimes I think my organizational fits are a response to world events...trying to make order when chaos swirls all around. Maybe it's just the 10 degree shift in the weather that has brought a cool, cloudy morning. Or maybe it's the passage I read this morning in a book called A Well-Kept Home:Household Traditions and Simple Secrets from a French Grandmother by Laura Fronty and Yves Duronsoy. (Edy and Renee, I think you would both love this book. You would, too, Jonathan). Anyhoo, here's the quote:
"I will describe her life and her home to you as I remember it: the rooms where life was lived; the bedrooms drenched with sunlight in the morning; the floors festooned with apricot, red and ochre Oriental rugs inherited from her mother-in-law, which seemed to absorb the light and retain the heat despite their age. There were books, dried flowers and cushions inspired by the colors of Matisse; and objects sparkling with an authenticity that, had they been owned by an ancient community, would have been placed in graves for the next life: crystal dice, bits of stag antlers, amber pearls, boxes, sculptures, wooden balls..."
James Salter, Un Bonheur Parfait (Perfect Happiness)
Of course, I think bits of stag antler would be nasty and I would never have dried flowers because they are dust-catching, moldering things. I prefer my flowers fresh. But you get the idea.
Labels: 412, the gland is secreting, volleyball
Labels: The Neighbor
Labels: Harry Potter, movies
Labels: Blogtopia, JP rules, puffy heart
Labels: The Neighbor
Labels: Gilmore girls, Molly
Labels: Seafair, The Neighbor
Labels: cheese, recipes, rosemary, strawberry kebabs
Labels: Seafair
Labels: recipes, The Neighbor