Friday, August 04, 2006

DC Update

There's lots of good news to report out of the other Washington today:

1) Yesterday a federal appeals court panal said Tom DeLay has to stay on the ballot in Texas, even though he resigned from his congressional seat after being indicted for all sorts of nastiness. Ever the bulldog, DeLay has said that under the circumstances he might consider active campaigning. Wouldn't that be a hoot. "Hi. I'm under indictment for all sorts of nastiness and would probably not be able to do my job because I have to go to trial and then, well, might end up in jail. But vote for me". Look for his picture in the dictionary next to "arrogance".

2) The GOP had come up with a very cynical piece of legislation that tied a federal minimum wage increase to permanent estate tax cuts. It needed 60 votes to pass and got 56. Close, but in politics and horseshoes, close is good enough. Homegirls Patty and Maria were among those voting against this bill. I've already emailed them both a "thank you".

c) If you decide to lunch in a Congressional cafeteria anytime soon be sure to order French fries. Yes. "Freedom fries" quietly became a thing of the past this week. That makes me laugh on so many levels I can't even begin to tell you.


Blogger Unknown opined...

What really got me about the minimum wage bill was that it allowed restaurants to pay their servers as low as $2.13 an hour, depending on their tips! That alone made it something to be voted against, IMO. It also stripped states of so many rights to set HIGHER minimums.... raising the minimum wage - great idea; attaching a bunch of other crap to the bill - typical idiotic politics. Boo.

August 05, 2006 8:58 AM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

Here's the most hilarious, cynical BS I've read about the working wage / estate tax bill, from Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex): "[W]e are turning our back on the middle-class and poor people in this country who depend on the minimum wage and death-tax relief."

Yes, the middle-class and poor people are simply begging to be liberated from the estate tax.

August 05, 2006 9:13 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Gina & Pat: I just kept remembering Bill Clinton on Monday night talking about how he didn't need any more tax relief, thank you very much. What is really cool so far is that even the Republican spin doesn't seem to be as effective on this as one would have thought. I think people are pretty clear that Bush Co. hasn't done a lick for the middle class. And besides, there were Republicans who voted against this bill. Can hardly risk hanging them out to dry, now can they?

August 05, 2006 1:01 PM  

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