10:00pmAnd now we're wrapping it up with a rock and roll style number called "All for One". How do the girls all know the words and dance moves?
Final thoughts:
Spouse: I liked it.
Jane: I saw growth in the characters and I saw experience in their eyes and I feel like I'm a better person. I just wish I'd been in that movie.
Molly: It's basically
INcredible and when they do it on Broadway, I am coming and throwing things on the stage which may be inappropriate.
Child: Speechless. It's the best one yet.
(The Spouse and I don't necessarily think
that but it wasn't dialed in and they obviously put effort into it. On the other hand, the whole Troy/Gabby breaking up thing did get to at least 50% of the crowd. Very dramatic in a classic musical sort of way).
I certainly can think of worse ways to spend a Friday evening.
9:58pmExcellent. "Every Day"...big number during which, of course, Troy and Gabriella get back together.
And when it was all over, we were finally rewarded with the big Kiss. Then a 2
nd. Then a 3rd. There was a lot of screaming.
9:44pmBig finish, big talent show scene. We're almost done. I'm going to totally immerse myself in the
fabulousness of the finale and then I'll be back to recap. Because the crickets care.
9:40pm"Bet on It"...Troy's big "I'm such a tool and I've lost everything I care about just to get a big
schmantzy scholarship so maybe I'd better pull my head out of my arse and stand up for myself" song.
Molly finds his dance moves a bit contrived.
It's totally working for Jane and The Child. Well, until he sang to his reflection in a pool. Yeah, that was bad.
He's redeeming himself in this last verse. Kinda "Footloose".
Molly: "Horrendous".
Jane: "Horrendously
9:35pm"I've Got to Go My Own Way": major drama and
devastation: Gabriella breaks up with Troy. Totally awesome song.
And Jane is totally bawling.
9:25pmChad just gave Troy a blistering what for.
Troy showed up to rehearse with
Sharpay, to a tarted up version of "You Are the Music in Me". She had a big puffy pink tulle train thing hanging off the back of her short skirt. I said, "She's got pink stuff hanging off her butt".
"Tulle" replied The Child.
"Yes, he is a tool," said The Spouse, who, since the baseball number is totally on board.
Also, we actually got our first literal reference to "Grease". I'm so right about everything.
The Child: "I need to see some sort of action between some sort of couple sooner or later".
I'm looking into boarding schools.
Don't Dance"...The
Spouse is
over his "
meh"...we've g
ot singing and
dancing during a baseball game. (
National League rules...no designated hitter). This is a great number.
More to the point,
Sharpay's brother, Ryan, who's been dissed by S once to often, is poised to help the employees develop a number for the big club talent show.
Sharpay has basically coerced Troy to sing with her. Who do we think will win?
Seriously, this
baseball number is hot.
9:02pmSharpay dumps a bucket of pink golf balls in front of new golf pro Troy. "Nice balls," he says.
Nieces laughed in a way that they should be ashamed of. I'll speak to them later.
Also, Troy is totally being bought by Sharpay's parents and so far he's totally clueless. In fact, he just rudely told his best friend, "I ordered Swiss on my burger". The gang is on to him. We're so heading into the big climactic conflicty moment thing.
The Spouse says, "
Meh". Then we all yelled at him because he missed at least 2 big numbers. Hello. Shut up and watch the movie, dude.
Jane: I'm feeling the start of something new with Troy and I.
Molly: I'm pretty sure that Ashley
Tisdale is the meanest girl in the world. And Corbin Blue's hair is amazing.
(She doesn't think someone can play mean as well as
Tisdale is without having some serious evil of her own. The adults disagree).
Child: I'm feeling the start of something new with Corbin and I.
8:50pMMassive manipulation by
Sharpay results in Troy being an hour late for a date with Gabbie. But all is well, what with her not being the least bit jealous or possessive.
Ahhh...a moonlight swim...frolicking...he moves in for a kiss....
ARGH!!!! (say all the girls). Gabriella gets busted for being in the pool (off limits to employees). She's got 2 strikes now. Of course, Troy doesn't get in trouble. In fact, he just got a promotion.
Crap! $500/week plus tips. I want that gig.
The Child is upset. We've just entered our 2
nd commercial break. She thinks that's too many.
8:43pmSharpay is wearing a tiara while golfing. Right
frakking on!
8:41pmSharpay's code name: Golden Throat.
Ryan's code name: Jazz Square
Just had another big number, "The Music in Me", which I will likely subject you to tomorrow. Big duet between Troy and Gabbie. (No one else calls her that, but I do). It was hot. The audience was fawning.
And I wonder, a) am I doing this right? and 2) where is Sling? He was bringing beer.
8:28pmThe Crowd Reacts
Jane: Love. It. Troy Bolton makes me ovulate.
Molly: Why isn't my life a musical? And Troy Bolton makes me ovulate.
Child: What does ovulate mean?
8:21pmTwenty minutes in and we're already on our 3rd musical number. "Fabulous"...a little Busby
Berkeley style number wherein
Sharpay reveals the depths of her shallowness and now "Work It Out", as the rest of the cast guts up for their menial summer jobs.
Here's the deal so far:
Sharpay's parents own the country club. She arranges for Troy to be hired. But Troy would only take the job if all his friends got jobs, too. Because that's how it works in the real world. (Wait...musical
Sharpay wants the manager to make everyone else miserable so they'll quit...leaving Troy all to herself. Yeah, that's gonna happen.
Troy just threw grapes in Gabriella's face. It was cute. Ooh, she's down on the green... he picks her up...they are about to kiss and someone turns on the irrigation.
Does it ruin the moment? Well, there's no kissing but they dance in the sprinklers.
8:10pmThe opening number ("What Time is It") was great...beginning where we left off, musically speaking...with a big song and dance number that involved the entire school celebrating the arrival of summer vacation.
Troy just gave Gabriella a beautiful necklace. They've tried to kiss. Twice.
I hate when that happens.
At least they are holding hands.
Ooh, the first complication reveals itself...
Sharpay is not down with the whole Gabriella/Troy thing. Scheming
biatch alert!
The countdown is over. Picture it: 3 screaming girls. We open on a clock, counting down to 2 pm. And no, I am not going to give you a play by play. I'll be back at the first commercial.
Labels: musical theatah