Friday, August 10, 2007

This is a Test. This is Only a Test.

When The Spouse came in this morning to kiss me goodbye he inquired as to why my alarm had gone off.

"I have to work today".

"Yeah, but it's only 6".

"I have to try and blog before I leave".


I've been all over JP's back about managing blogging and work; now I have to put my typing where my mouth is. How am I doing so far?

You know what's going to be tough? Not reading comments until this afternoon. That's one of my favorite parts of blogging, seeing what y'all come up with and responding. Sometimes the funniest and most interesting stuff comes in the comments section. Witty banter and all that. I'm going to so miss not seeing it until later. But I must be a grownup. And maybe Judy will let me check from work. Maybe.

Meanwhile, there's something I've been wanting to tell you but I had to wait until I'd talked about it with The Spouse first. Which I did last night (wearing pearls and having cocktails, by the by. See? True to my word). I'm thinking of starting my own business. As a...wait for it...personal organizer.

It all started a few weeks ago when I mentioned helping Stina. The response from some of you really got me thinking. This is totally something I could do for money. Totally. Start up costs would be negligible (and hello? all of a sudden I have this temporary gig to pay for them). The Hat, because she's amazing like that, has developed a swell logo for me. The enthusiasm I've received from the few people I've told has been terrific.

It was so interesting because in the months since The Job That Sounded Perfect on Paper I've been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. (Besides a writer). Part of my problem was that I'm just too old to get a job Job and be happy. If I'm going to alter the way our family operates and keep my hand in at what I'm passionate about I don't want my soul to be sapped by some stupid thing just for the money. And I didn't have a clue what that looked like. I was pretty much searching the shrubbery for a burning bush, some directional marker that would set me on the path toward IT. Which, btw, was not forthcoming for months and months. (This journey started in February, for crying out loud).

And then, there it was. A bush. It wasn't a big bush but it was burning quite brightly and the voice that came from the bush said, "Dude, you could totally do this".

I still have one or two ducks to line up but they are small and docile ducks. The other fowl have quite literally fallen into place. Like the timing is right, or something. (The Hat insists this is a sign from the universe that I'm on the right path. I think she's right). So there you go. I hope to go public in September.

So more on that later.

Now I have to get dressed and wend my circuitous way to the Little Job. The Child slept over at a friend's last night so she won't be home until later. (She feels so grown up having a key to let herself in). We're going to have Chicago dogs for dinner tonight. Yum. Life is good.

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Blogger Seattle Coffee Girl opined...

I feel priveledged to be the first to respond here, since I know you're at the new temp job waiting with baited breath to get reaction from today's post. :)


Things are coming together so nicely for you, it's inspiring to see how the Spirit is moving in your life. I'm glad you pitched The Idea to The Spouse. I'm sure he loved it. (That, and your dress and the cocktail(s).)

Aaah, The Child has her own key! She can now call herself a Latchkey Kid with great pride...which I think is sometimes the great aspiration of children (like me) who had SAH Mom' have a key of one's own, and a house to oneself once in a blue moon.

Snaps to you, girlfriend! Enjoy your day...can't wait to hear more about this temp gig and to read more about your future business plans! WEEEEEEEEE!

And donchya know that doulas often come to a family's home AFTER the baby is born, to help Mama keep things in order and move her and Baby toward routine? Maybe there's something in that for you, too!

August 10, 2007 8:49 AM  
Blogger TWISI opined...

Have a great day at the temp job... I have no doubts you will rock!

As for the business, I say GO FOR IT! Starting a business today can be done without much upfront $ so what do you have to lose?

Have a great weekend, working lady!

August 10, 2007 9:20 AM  
Blogger more cowbell opined...

I knew it! Damn girl, you don't mess around! I actually did write that in the comments at that time, and I remember thinking, "wow, wouldn't that be a trip if someday Lorraine DID become a personal organizer?" I didn't think someday would be next month! A testament to your madcrazy organizational skills. Good for you -- it will use your strengths, and give you flexibility for the family.

Plus, unorganized slackers everywhere will worship you. Woot-wooot!

August 10, 2007 10:49 AM  
Blogger Grish opined...

I'm not real sure what a personal organizer is ... besides that I would love to have someone organizing my stuff so I didn't have to. I say go for it. As you know we are trying to start a business of our own as well.

The main problem that we are facing is start up costs ... we are using our full time jobs to fund our business start up. It's a little slow .. buying stuff week by week but we have decided to go all the way.

One thing that we have done is put our name on it (hoping this will make it more personal for us). Another is deciding not to borrow any money to keep our overhead as low as possible. It's really something though and everyday I wake up trying to decide on what we need to get for the shop this week...

August 10, 2007 12:02 PM  
Blogger Mom opined...

Excellent idea! The world needs to be organized - you can do it one person at a time.
How was the commute today?

August 10, 2007 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Finally! Keeping this secret has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Well, top three. You know how I am about tiering my life. Howz that for organizational like? (high fives own self)

August 10, 2007 1:17 PM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

Are you saying that you won't be checking your blog for comments when the slowness of the afternoon lazily descends upon the office.

Gawd, it's so cute that you think that.


August 10, 2007 1:36 PM  
Blogger Nicole opined...

you will be a super duper personal organizer. like a filofax but much prettier. And witty too.

August 10, 2007 2:08 PM  
Blogger rosemary opined...

Did you get the flowers I sent to the temporary job office? Violets. I think a personal organizer is awesome. I used to clean houses to put myself thru nursing school and part of what I did was cupboards, linen closets etc. I never got paid for it, it was just something that made me nuts in the houses I cleaned. Oh, Lorriane, Hat is right....this was meant to many other things in life it take just one moment in time for it all to finally come together.

August 10, 2007 2:46 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

SCG: Thanks, hon. Your support from the get go has been superfantastic. And yeah, The Child is totally digging the latchkey thing, for exactly the reason you cite.

Twisi: Thanks, pumpkin.

CB: Great minds think alike?

Grish: A personal organizer is someone who helps you figure out why you have so much crap and helps you get rid of it and organize what's left, hopefully giving you some systems and strategies to keep from getting overwhelmed by crap again. Basically an anti-crap patrol. (Although I decided against actually using the word "crap" in my company name).

The difference between what I'm doing and what you guys are up against is that all I pretty much need is a website and a cell phone. It's still exciting that this temporary gig is going to cover the nominal costs so I don't have to incur debt either. Debt bad.

Thanks, Mom. And yeah, I see it not just as a career path but as a real opportunity to help people. Sometimes folks are so overwhelmed and stressed by all that clutter and disorganization. I think it would be a very helpful sort of thing to do.

Hat: You're a champ for keeping a lid on it...well done. You should probably go recline on a chaise and fan yourself now.

Tee, Red. But slowness? Not so much. The time went by sooooooo fast; there is soooooo much to do in the 5 hours I'm there. I expect that most days I'll be eating lunch at my desk.

Aww, Nicole. A pretty filofax. I don't think I've ever been compared to office supplies before.

Rosie: Yes, I did. They were beautiful. My favorites. And thanks for the support. That kid of yours is really coming through for me, too. You should be oh so proud of her.

August 10, 2007 3:51 PM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

THE UNIVERSE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. DO NOT TRUST THE UNIVERSE. It still owes me a shitload of money.

August 10, 2007 3:53 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Point taken, Lex. Although in my experience I have found burning shrubs to be quite reliable. Meteors and such, not so much. And for the love of Mike, never, ever, ever, loan your car to a worm hole. You will never see that thing again.

August 10, 2007 4:12 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

Welcome to the daily grind kid!
..I mean.not like bein' a mom isn't hard or know what I mean.
I've seen personal organizers spotlighted on different shows.Seems like there is quite a demand for someone with your skills..Good Luck!

August 10, 2007 4:41 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Sling, why yes, I suspect that in no time I'll be hosting my own show on TLC, launching a magazine and making endorsement deals with Storables. Or, you know, paying for the kid's high school tuition. Whichever.

August 10, 2007 5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

If you think that me getting up earlier is a viable solution to my blogging issue, you are sadly mistaken Missy.

August 10, 2007 6:36 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...


August 10, 2007 6:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

I feel just awful! I totally missed this post somehow! Where the hell WAS I? Geez....Lorraine, this is AWESOME! I am so excited for you! Now, just tell me what you charge so I can figure out how large a garage sale I'll need to have in order to afford you. And besides, a garage sale would make what you do for me that much easier because all my crap would be gone, right? Seriously, this makes total sense. Can you ask that burning bush something for me?

August 16, 2007 1:06 PM  

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