New Year's Intentions
I don't want to sound like I'm perfectly perfected in every way with no need of reformation or improvement. On the other hand, I'm pretty satisfied with my life at the moment. I don't have any huge vices to give up. I've been lax about exercise during the holidays but, duh. The Neighbor and I are rarin' to go starting next week. I feel excellent about my increased discipline about writing. I go to church every Sunday, I'm politically involved, I don't eat too much fast food. Just not much need for earth-shaking changes.
Besides, I gave up making resolutions a long time ago. I prefer to make "intentions". I'll try and do something and I'll be sincere in the attempt but seriously, I am not going to get all medieval on my own arse because I don't live up to some "resolution" that is somehow more sacrosanct because it was made arbitrarily on New Year's. But acknowledging that I am not perfect, here are some of the things I intend for the New Year:
1. Be more blithe and even less correct.
2. Renew my commitment to my inner French girl.
3. Watch every fresh episode of "Gilmore girls".
4. Read at least 3 books that I've never read before.
5. Practice "Minuet in G Major" by Bach almost every day until I get it nailed.
6. Figure out a way to be more in touch with the current music scene because I don't think Hillary Duff counts and when my friend D next asks me what I'm listening to these days I want to be able to sound like Laine on "Gilmore girls".
7. I suppose I could stand to eat more vegetables and less bread.
8. Do a much better job of gardening. Like actually plant stuff.
9. Spend 15 minutes a day doing absolutely nothing.
Most of us are only to happy to see the backside of '05, for any number of reasons. It was a bumpy one. But I'm thankful for all the good in it: starting my blog, going to Dallas, spending good time with friends, loving my family. I hope y'all have a happy and healthy new year, that bipartisanship will continue to flourish (which doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see the Dems regain control of Congress), that our troops will come home and that no matter what comes our way in '06 we can greet it with hope, courage and humor. Or at least with the knowledge that we're not in it alone. Happy freakin' New Year!