Sunday, December 04, 2005

Speaking of Shoes

Today The Child got her first pair of heels. You'll note that "heel" is a subjective word. The heel on these pumps is so teeny as to be nonexistent. But a heel it is. She is going to her first dance next weekend and dress shoes were warranted.

More to the point, her foot now measures a size 7 in women's. She is under orders to proceed to an 8 and stop. If she and I can share a shoe wardrobe, oh, the bliss.

Had I great wealth I would most certainly contribute generously toward the eradication of AIDS, poverty, and social injustice in the world. Educational and artistic institutions would have in me a faithful patron. And all of that would be on top of my tithe. But I freely admit to this shallow personal truth: I would also own a lot of shoes.



Anonymous Anonymous opined...

MMMM Nicy nice. very chewable

December 04, 2005 3:25 PM  
Blogger Bad Alice opined...

Oh, I would own a lot of shoes, too! Alas, I'm rather hemmed in at the moment. I remember my first heels--it was back in the 80s when cuban heels made a splash. Oh the joy of those shoes.

December 06, 2005 6:51 AM  

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