Thursday, November 29, 2007

Project Bespoke Boredom

Week 3 of Project Runway was a bit of a yawn, and I don't just say that because earlier in the evening I fell asleep watching "Firefly", which is definitely not a yawn.

The designers were taken to 10 Rockefeller, where Tim introduced them to *gasp* Tiki Barber. This is the point where I say, "Who?" Which is funny because that was pretty much the reaction of most of the designers. They put happy little, "Oh! You! Goody!" smiles on their faces but very few of them knew who he was (apparently he used to play football and now he's a correspondent for the "Today" show). Not the tinklefest that was meeting Sarah Jessica Parker, I'll tell you that.

The challenge? Design an outfit for Tiki to wear on the show. (Cue the cutaways to panic stricken faces of designers). He told them that he wasn't afraid of color and texture (took me years of therapy to be able to say that) and that he presented unique design challenges because he wasn't that tall (5'9"), had a thick neck and a big butt. (Rest assured, he's not a troll). Off to Mood, to get the allotted $150 worth of fabric and we're off.

Here's where I mention that I'm pretty sure The Committee revoked my "progressive" license a while ago so I'm safe in making the following very sexist comment: men's clothes are boring. I'm a big fan of the well-made suit and a nicely turned out gent. But let's face it, from a "fashion" standpoint, there just aren't a ton of options. Women's fashion, from a day dress to an evening look brings with it a HUGE range of options. Menswear, not so much. Pant legs flare or taper, collars widen or narrow, ties go from fat to skinny but really, after that, there's not much going on in the realm of menswear.

Consequently, uh, yawn.

But that said, menswear also presents a unique challenge because that crap is hard to make. Seriously. Once I tried to sew a dress shirt for my Ken doll. I had a pattern and a mommy to help me. It was the most excruciating experience of my life, and I include childbirth in there. So the technical end of this challenge was significant, especially considering that very few of the designers had a lick of experience making men's clothes. Moving on.

The big drama of the episode was just watching the designers freak out while trying to create something without really knowing what they were doing. Hot Jack was very clever and took off his shorts to distract the other designers in order to dismantle them and create a pattern. Which he shared with a couple of his designer buddies. Which made some of the other designer buddies testy, such as the future Mr. Hat (achoo), who was quite the little biatch about the fact that he figured out how to "drape" his trousers without using a pattern. Whatever.

Kevin, who wore a very slimy black hat that contributed mightily to his overall unwashed look, was on camera at least a dozen times reminding us that he is the only straight guy in the competition. Note to Kevin: Relax, dearie. They aren't into you, either.

Toward the end of Day 2 we cue Ginny Barber, Tiki's wife, who came in to critique the progress of the designers. Overall, she was positive but she told Carmen that her jacket looked like it was "Members Only" and even I know that is not a good thing. And Carmen freaked, mostly because she'd spent a lot of time on the jacket and hadn't even started the shirt.

Didn't get much from Elisa this week but what we did was pure hippy chick gold: a little random Lilith fair spinning dance, some yoga and best of all, her refusal to look at her model as he disrobed and being very careful to not touch him as she pinned garment bits together because, as she said in voice-over "I have only ever fitted intimately with my boyfriend. I choose to touch only him". Hi. I'm a big fan of monogamy myself but he's your model, hon. Kinda need to cope with his body. 'K. Love you. Have a magic brownie.

Ricky disappointed me a lot, because he didn't blubber a bit during the challenge. He did get into a bleepfest with Carmen...a very juvenile "shut up; no, you shut up" sort of thing, only with naughty words. Whatever. Oh, and he also made his model sew buttons on the shirt. Time crunch.

Carmen and Sweet P were both in the weeds by the time Tim showed up to get them to the runway. He had to be very stern with them. I would be sad if Tim Gunn ever spoke to me in an exasperated way. I love Tim Gunn.

The models hit the runway. Ouch. First time in a long time, if ever, when I've seen so many designers grimacing as their own work came down. These are professionals. They knew that in many cases the technical execution did not live up to their own standards, let alone those of the judges. They were nervous, many of them justifiably so.

Take for example, this monstrosity from Sweet P:

The trousers were actually quite good, fit well and were finished. Even she didn't know what the frak went wrong with the neckline. Abysmal. Super nice tie, though, which she made herself. And which snipey, still-not-funny Michael Kors liked.

But there were some very nice things. I was fond of this, by Kit:

The jacket was navy blue fleece...really sharp with the pants. Beautifully executed.

But I really think the best outfit came from, wait for it....Elisa. I'm not kidding. And this picture, in a testament to how not exciting menswear can be, doesn't do it justice because when this came down the runway both The Neighbor and I gasped with appreciation:

The colors, the cut, the really was a gorgeous ensemble and look fabulous on the model.

Plus I could see Tiki Barber wearing it on the "Today" show, as opposed to this number by my very-straight-and-don't-you-forget-it buddy, Kevin. I liked it a lot but didn't seem to really suit the "client" or his profession:


The highlight of the judging for me was when Nina decided to get picky about Jack's outfit, which was "just" a shirt and trousers. She wished there'd been "a third element". Both Tiki and Heidi piled on, saying they'd rather see 2 well made pieces than 3 that were sloppy. Ha! Shut up, Nina. No one likes you.

It may have been that little moment that sealed the deal, too, because Jack was named winner.

I know. Hi. It's a shirt and pants. They were nicely tailored, fit the model, yadda yadda yadda. A) The pants were pinstripe and the shirt had a small strip, too. I hate that. 2) Both Elisa or Kevin's outfits had more visual interest and were just as well made. 3) I saw the "Today" clip with Tiki wearing the ensemble; the camera did not love those strips. My head hurts.

Nice? Sure. A winner? I don't think so.

And in an eerily familiar scene, Carmen and Ricky were in the bottom two. Carmen's big issue, aside from the "Members Only" jacket was that she never made a shirt. She sent her model down the runway draped with the shirt fabric:

It was a real can-do move. She had to do something. But obviously, she mismanaged her time; she should have made sure she had a shirt and trousies before futzing with a jacket. Also, the crotch (I hate that word, btw) of the pants was Aw. Ful.

This was Ricky's design:

At first blush you're thinking, "what's wrong with that?" A couple things. The fit was ridiculous. It was boring. The only redeeming feature was the pocket square. Oh, and did I mention that that thing isn't sewn so much as pinned? Yeah. He went down the runway pinned together. While it might have been fun if it had fallen off the model, the expectation is for the designers to actually sew the garments together. Oopsie.

In the end, boring with a pocket square trumped bad crotch with a draped shirt and Carmen was auf'ed. Ricky finally cried.



Blogger Doralong opined...

Right there with you- it was more or less a yawn fest, with the exception of a fair number of half naked men..

And where, pray tell, are the pictures of Miss Lorraine's ensemble??

November 29, 2007 8:53 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Oops! Better fix that, eh?

November 29, 2007 9:25 AM  
Blogger Kimberly Ann opined...

Your reviews are better than the show. Who needs to actually watch it?

November 29, 2007 9:30 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Well, dang, KA, that's awful nice of you.

November 29, 2007 9:34 AM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

I actually thought that Chris, the costume designer, shoulda won. His was conservative and sorta fashion forward at the same time. Natch, he wasn't even in the top three.

November 29, 2007 9:34 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Red, it was a nice look; I think the fact that it was all black made it seem more dull to the judges than it really was.

November 29, 2007 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

So this "Runway"... it's a tv show?

November 29, 2007 10:03 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

See? Bitchy.

November 29, 2007 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Good recap Neighb - glad we could finally experience PR together again. I also really enjoyed my marathon last night in which I watched Weeks 1 & 2 before you arrived for Week 3. Now that I've read your three reviews I'm feeling totally up to speed.

I love the Gunn.

xo nayb

November 29, 2007 10:26 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

'Bout time, Neighb. I was about to "auf" you.


November 29, 2007 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Your re-cap is so much better than mine. (continues to weep)

November 29, 2007 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined... husbands gay!

November 29, 2007 11:06 AM  
Blogger Anne opined...

how many hats did Rickki pack, anyway?

November 29, 2007 12:23 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Is not. You're having a hard morning. You need pie.

Anne, you mean Kevin? And what I really don't get about his hat situation is that a) they aren't very stylish and 2) he's got good hair.

November 29, 2007 1:02 PM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

Not to worry, Hat. Your sex life may be wanting, but you'll never want for fabulous shoes.

Hi, I'm the glass half full guy.

November 29, 2007 2:47 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Good job, Red. For that you get pie.

November 29, 2007 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Thanx Half Full Guy...
(weeps into shoes)

November 29, 2007 5:14 PM  
Blogger Traveling Matt opined...

so boring. things i kinda love include: elisa, tiki barber, kevin's outfit... but for me...

things i've hated from jump incude: ricky, carmen, when my favorite show has a lame ass episode

thanks for the recaps. i need to get on that, eh?

November 29, 2007 7:21 PM  
Blogger more cowbell opined...

What?! Tiki Barber was on this show?! I missed Tiki Barber on a fashion reality show? NOOOOO! Like others, I thought, why add more TV time to my life, when there are fab reviews complete with photos right here on the blogosphere? High fashion usually just confuses and amuses me, because I"m hopeless that way, so I'll just read the recaps, thank you, plus they're funny.

But goodgawd, pray tell me how one could possibly predict that Tiki Barber, with his hot self, would be on Project Runway?!


Tiki? Hello?

November 29, 2007 11:55 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

(wringing out Hat's shoes)...

Yes, Monica, you should be getting on that. Unless you just want to critique Hat's and my PR viewing ensembles but considering the Hat's fragility just now, maybe we'd better leave any snippy Nina Garcia related nonesense out of the equation.

It's kinda creeping me out that I'm starting to like Elisa more. I don't want to but I can't help it.

Oh, my poor, dear Cowbell. This is where someone like JP would tell you to get a DVR or TiVo or something and have it set to all things football and then horrors like this would be forever spared you. But I can't say that because I don't have one either.

I'm sorry. How delightful for someone who actually knew who Tiki Barber was to be able to see him instead of all of us who went 'who?" But yes, he's quite the handsome devil.

(Here's the good news...Bravo repeats episodes like, all the time. Bet you could catch Mr. B. And you'd really only have to watch the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes if you just wanted your Tiki fix. You're welcome. It's what I'm here for).

November 30, 2007 6:36 AM  
Blogger Anne opined...

No, Ricky. He has a different hat or two in every show. Looks like someone right out of Village People.

November 30, 2007 8:45 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I guess I haven't noticed Ricky's Village People hats...too distracted by his blubbering.

November 30, 2007 8:51 AM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

In this case, Cowbell doesn't absolutely require a DVR since Bravo will repeat the episode a gajillion zillion times this week. Just have to check the schedule ...

November 30, 2007 10:53 AM  
Blogger Anne opined...

OH!!! and another thing!

What's with (maryland's own) Christan getting carried in this episode?

November 30, 2007 12:44 PM  

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