Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm So Predictable

I am also still full. Has anyone else noticed that a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is basically a big plate of carbs? I should probably go out into this very frosty and cold Friday morning and walk 5 miles, just to return some semblance of feeling to my gastronomical parts.

But I probably won't.

Besides, The Child and I have to teach Uncle Buck how to play speed Scrabble.

See you on Monday. Enjoy those leftovers.

The Cranberries "Dreams"

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Blogger Iwanski opined...

I hope ya'lls havin' a good time.

November 23, 2007 8:54 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

We sure are. And Buck has a little sumpthin sumpthin he's bringing back to you, with all our love.

November 23, 2007 9:04 AM  
Blogger Sling opined...

Carbohydrates and their derivatives play major roles in the working process of the immune system, fertilization, pathogenesis, blood clotting, and development.

I looked it up.

PLUS!..Cranberries are good for your Colon..It's a win-win situation when you think about it!

November 23, 2007 9:29 AM  
Blogger rosemary opined...

I am commenting from bed. I am already sick of leftovers and it is only 10am. I LOVE THE Cranberry's/ies

November 23, 2007 10:04 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Thanks for the info, Sling. I'm feeling healthier already. (Although, the fertilization thing was a bit of a buzz kill). ;)

Well, you just stay in bed, Ro and enjoy your Cranberries!

November 23, 2007 10:09 AM  
Blogger Doralong opined...

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend and stay nice and warm. And it this point, let's face it, it's all shot to hell till after New Year's anyway, just enjoy yourself.

November 23, 2007 11:41 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Does the 4 hour nap we took this afternoon count as enjoying ourselves, D? It wasn't exactly rabble rousing but it sure was necessary!

November 23, 2007 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

You don't answer your phone on the holidays.

November 23, 2007 9:38 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

WTF? You didn't call. Yikes.

Can I just tell you, I miss you like crazy.

November 23, 2007 10:59 PM  
Blogger Willym opined...

Naps are a major form of Holiday enjoyment - particularly if it gets you out of doing the dishes or chatting with "much loved" in-laws.

November 23, 2007 11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Yes. I have called you thrice.
Ah well.
I've been doing blog rounds saying "Happy Belated Turkey Day" but now I realize I should have been saying "Happy Leftover Turkey Day". So, "Happy Leftover Turkey Day!!!!"

November 24, 2007 12:24 AM  
Blogger thmswht opined...

i certainly enjoyed my afternoon nap on thanksgiving :-)

and thanks for a little extra helping of cranberries! it made my day a little better!

November 24, 2007 6:52 AM  
Blogger Anne opined...

Doralong, I think it's more like April with Mardi gras, valentines day and Easter to eat through.

November 24, 2007 7:58 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Willym, indeed!

Hat, were you calling the cell? 'Cuz there tweren't nothing on the home phone. Drat.

Thmswht, holiday naps are truly the best. And those tart little Celtic berries...yum!

Anne, now that you mention it, I'm thinking that it's a good thing there are 6 weeks of Lent tucked in there or I'd look like a frakking house!

November 24, 2007 9:43 AM  
Blogger carmilevy opined...

I always feel the need to sleep for a week after a major holiday meal.

Then guilt overcomes me and I get on my bike and flog it around the city for a couple of hours.

We clearly need to find healthier holiday alternatives!

November 26, 2007 6:28 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Carmi, you and your bike riding ways; setting entirely too good an example. I think you need more pie.

November 26, 2007 9:05 AM  

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