Monday, October 08, 2007

Isn't Ironic? Don't You Think?

In the midst of trying to reduce the mounds of paper clutter in my desky area, I found a multi-pocketed envelope folder that was sent to me after I joined the National Association of Professional Organizers. It was full of stuff. I kept 5 pieces of paper, not counting my membership card.

Decluttering material from an organizing organization? It's like rain on your wedding day.

I dreamed I was in Blogtopia. Well, first, actually, I was in Chicago, in Buck's flat (only it wasn't his actual flat, it was bigger but it was still in the Marina Towers) and the wind started blowing and the tower was pitching quite a bit but we knew we were going to be OK. The Hat came to clean the apartment and suddenly I was asleep on The Neighbor's lawn and a big black dog came and stood over me and announced "The Iwanski's are here". But I couldn't get up because the dog was standing over me so the Iwanski's left because they thought I was too tired for a party. The good news is that the party wasn't until the next day and they came back. with the dog. Which they claimed was a husky but I'm sorry, huskies aren't black and shaggy. The dog in my dream was, in fact, a very large schnoodle, probably because my dream kept being interrupted by The Dog, who really is a schnoodle, chewing on himself. Which he's been doing to the point of giving himself a bald spot on his right haunch. Yes, we have a vet appointment this afternoon.

Anywhoo, JP was there, but I don't remember what he was doing. Standing on my deck drinking champangya and smoking, probably. Sling was there. Mouse wasn't there, which was ironic in a good-advice-that-you-just-didn't-take sort of way because in the dream she was the one who had organized the party in the first place. This probably owes to the fact that she has been wanting to come out but has to win the lottery first and I know that and am keeping my fingers crossed.

The Child is giving me fits with frequent Drama-Queen-Teenager-with-'Tude performances. Everything is such a big, bloody deal. There is a veneer of perky calm that, with very little pressure gives way. (An example of little pressure would be, say, a request to unload the dishwasher...especially if it's the 3rd time I've asked so I say it like "Will you please get out here and unload the bloody dishwasher?"). Once cracked, there gushes forth a tsunami of doubt, fear and inadequacy. Then, when asked to calm down and talk about it she wails, "You just wouldn't understand!!!!"

Seriously, when those words came from her lips the other day I almost laughed, it was so typical. But I didn't, of course, because I wanted her to try me. Because if there is one thing I know, it is that there isn't a mote, smidgen or scintilla of teenaged angst that I am not going to understand. Been there, done that, bought the matching hat and shoes.

She's freaking out, naturally, because High School is a'looming. Applications are due by December/January. Entrance exams (one takes entrance exams for Catholic high school) are the first part of December. Applicants are notified by February. She's overwhelmed, she's worried about the tests, she's worried about the fact that up until the last trimester of last year her grades sucked.

Don't tell her this, but it's all freaking me out, too. What I did tell her is that I truly do understand (never mind that my understanding derived more from my getting-into-college-phase than high school) and that the looming, forbidding feelings owe to worrying and not doing; that once she begins studying for the exams and filling out applications and such, she'll start feeling like it is all a smidge more manageable.

She sat down to study yesterday after home work. For half an hour. Good girl.

Except she's still giving me fits about other stuff. Because basically it is all about her and anything that disrupts the perfect little orbit about her is cause for Chernobylesque meltdowns, accompanied by impressive door slammings and stompings. Although, really, she needs fresh material. At one performance this weekend she gave The Spouse a good dose of "I hate you! I hate you! I really, really hate you!", which I found to be predictable and derivative, though it was delivered with passion and verve.

(Note for the record and apropos of nothing: when I write the word "weekend" I pronounce it in my head like a British person, with the emphasis on "end", even though I hardly ever actually say it that way when talking to actual people, given that most of the people in my immediate circle are Americans).

It's Tuesday and that means nothing anymore. There is still a hole in my life where the "Gilmore girls" used to be. It's like that phantom limb syndrome, where amputees still "feel"the leg or arm that has been removed. I know "Gilmore girls" is gone. I know there is nothing on television at 8pm tonight. But the feeling lingers. Damn you, Lauren Graham!


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Blogger Nicole opined...

I am so glad she's getting all the drama out of her system before she comes to our house for the summer. Drama on, Child! All my sympathies though, Lorraine.

October 09, 2007 7:11 AM  
Blogger Doralong opined...

Must be something in the air- Miss Thing was on a major drama trip this weekend as well, and she's generally pretty level.. At the duct tape you mouth shut or walk away stage I gave up trying reason and went and found a bottle of wine.

October 09, 2007 7:11 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

HA! She's just getting started, Nicole. It may take her some time, but trust me, she'll be taking this show on the road. You'll have excellent seats.

Your strategy, Doralong, is brilliant. Bottle of wine it is.

October 09, 2007 9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I was just thinking about The Child last night and how much I missed her.

I was also thinking about Gilmore Girls and how empty my life, particularly Tuesdays, seems to be this year as a result of their absence.

I mean, yeah, Betty is great, but my Thursdays were fine without her. Tuesdays will always be about Gilmores and empty without them.

Well, I guess I've still got some Shatner.

October 09, 2007 9:48 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Say the word, Uncle JP, and I'll put her on a flight out to you.

And I knew you'd understand about the girls. Thank you for that.

October 09, 2007 10:14 AM  
Blogger Citymouse opined...

Ok ... here is the really scary/ ironic thing... I have left every party I have ever organized -- EVERY ONE OF THEM!!! (there really is a very good blog post in that.) So to be at one of my parties, and have me not there is very (scary) accurate.

aaahh...high school!
now i miss the swiss kid and the drama... but wait.. my son will be in HS next school year...ok... i can still relate!

October 09, 2007 11:18 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

So, after the whole lottery thing is resolved, I have to make sure that when you come out here I don't put you in charge of any parties or you won't actually attend. Got it.

October 09, 2007 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

A very nice post with many interesting sections and thoughts to ponder and dreams to analyze and words to pronounce with British flair. But the absolute hands down funniest part? Yeah, it was that bit about me cleaning. You're even hilarious in your dreams!
Sorry 'bout the G. girls. (removes hat for moment of silence)

October 09, 2007 1:11 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

But Hat, you said you wanted to be someone's housewife! I totally thought you were serious. At least, my subconcious did.

And thank you for your sympathy.

October 09, 2007 1:16 PM  
Blogger rosemary opined...

I hated high school. Thinking about high school makes me physically ill. I feel for the child. I'm on her side. You just don't understand. You never have...I was born into the wrong family or I was adopted, it is always what you want not what I want, I hate you....sorry, just had to get that out.

October 09, 2007 1:43 PM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

Your review of The Child's "I hate you" performance was highly insightful and informative.

You should write movie and theatre reviews.

October 09, 2007 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Obviously I am donning my Fickle Diva hat today. The Housewife hat made me look too matronly. Not all of us can vacuum in a tiara I'll have you know.

October 09, 2007 1:52 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Not to mention, Rosie, that JP is my favorite, I always let Buck do whatever he wants and Hat can go to parties during the week but you never get to go anywhere. I'm the worst mother in the world!

I really should, Buck.

Speaking of which, Hat a) you're obviously home so why don't you return my frakking phone call and 2) The Neighbor gave me a little tiara for my birthday. It's swellegant.

October 09, 2007 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I liked high school, mostly. Well, the part about going to classes and learning stuff. The evil coin that tottered between "teased to oblivion" and "completely ignored"? Not so much.

Have to say, though, Lorraine, that your forebearance of The Child's snits is admirable. Had I tried anything of the kind, I have no doubt my mom would have pointed out the error of my ways in a manner that left no room for interpretation.

Amusing dream, though. I only recall the final few moments of my last dream, which involved my latest crush being cuddled up to me. Waking up and realizing it was probably as close as I was going to get was...not amusing. ***sigh***

Sorry, I'll go whine somewhere else. Wonderful post!! :D

October 09, 2007 4:20 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Syd, similar high school experience here. I didn't thoroughly hate it but not much would tempt me to try the experiment again.

And while "forbearance" is perhaps a bit strong, I too would have been smacked, grounded and generally given what for had I done (should I say, WHEN I did) any of the sorts of things she's been pulling lately. Grounding...well, that still happens. For the rest, I'm back to Doralong's advice.

October 09, 2007 4:36 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

How very Carrollesque that the Iwanski's should have a giant huskyshnoodle announce their arrival!..I'm glad I was there.
..except for the part where Hat kept insisting it was my job to empty the vaccuum cleaner bag..

October 09, 2007 4:46 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Yes, that bothered me, too. You were supposed to be making cocktails. JP got very thirsty.

October 09, 2007 5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...


October 09, 2007 6:19 PM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

I rather think that your mail situation is much more like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife, hm?

And oy ... entrance exams for high school? I'd have totally freaked out, too.

October 10, 2007 3:57 AM  
Blogger Blogger opined...

Serious question: does your daughter read your blog? If so, how do you two negotiate the whole 'stuff I write in my blog is private as well as being for global consumption' issue?

By the way, my sympathies go out to you re: new school stress. A somewhat similar situation is currently unfolding at ours.

Re: your daughter's performance, I really think you should have countered with a Field-esque, "You hate, me don't you, you really, really hate me."

That would've been a good move... don't you think?

October 10, 2007 4:53 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

R7, thank you for playing. I am frankly astonished no one else caught on. Flabbergasted even. Like meeting the man of my dreams and meeting his beautiful wife.

And yeah, the word "exams" still has the power to make me shiver.

Dariush: Serious answer: she knows of the blog but has not yet figured out that reading it might provide her with material/ammunition/what-have-you. There have been times when I've asked her permission to write about something, like when she broke the neighbor's car window. But most of the time I just write about her because I know she isn't paying attention.

What, you ask, will you do when she does start paying attention? Probably start a new blog. And tell all of you. But not her.

And thank you for your sympathies. And quoting Sally Field is always a good plan.

October 10, 2007 6:26 AM  
Blogger Bad Alice opined...

My 7 year old DramaQueen is already venturing into this mode of performance. She definitely has the selective hearing followed by meltdown routine down pat. Also, lots of "You love Firecracker more than me." That's what siblings are for, you know, to use as leverage.

October 10, 2007 6:35 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Not having sibs works equally well, I've found, BA. The Child has been known to tell us that she hates us for making her an only child...if we really loved her we'd give her a baby sister. Yeah. That'll happen.

October 10, 2007 8:35 AM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

What if when we die, people like us actually go to blogopia?

October 10, 2007 4:04 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I hope they have deep dish pizza there.

Oh, lord, that reminds me, Iwanskifest is coming up!

October 10, 2007 4:08 PM  

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