Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Playing Games

Thank heaven. I was having trouble coming up with something meaningful to write and then I read Greeny's blog and she tagged me to write 7 things about myself. Since I just wrote 10 interesting (and picture me making air quotes around the interesting) things the other day, today I chose to write about 7 meaningless things.

1) I have a facility for accents. More than that, I'm a sponge. 30 minutes in the company of someone from somewhere else and I'm talking like them. It's ridiculous.

2) The song that's running through my head today is "When the Whip Comes Down".

3) The Neighbor and I watched the finale of "The Bachelor" last night, even though we kinda hated ourselves for it, and we were really happy with his choice. Unfortunately, given the shows track record, the odds are they'd broken up before the credits rolled. I'm such a tool.

4) I'm the person who turned The Spouse on to single malt scotch. I don't really like scotch.

5) I don't hate hair metal as much as I let on.

6) I can eat an entire box of Cap'n Crunch in one sitting.

7) I graduated high school with honors by the mere expedient of negotiation. I was going to get a B in History but I told my teacher that was the only thing standing between me and honors and since I hadn't ever made trouble in class he should give me an A. So he did.

Now I tag Grish, Alan, Sling and Renee.

Your choices are "interesting things", "meaningful things" or "useless" things.

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Blogger Unknown opined...

Okay, so again, we are alike. I get embarrassed by the fact that I almost can't stop myself from picking up accents and unintentionally mimicking the speech and gestures of people I'm around for any length of time. Should have heard me when we were in Scotland last year. It IS ridiculous. And FYI, I saw The Bachelor interviewed just a short bit ago, and he is still engaged - which is a big step forward from other bachelors who chose not to ask the girl to marry them - and then broke up before the show aired. So, maybe there's hope this time?

May 22, 2007 1:19 PM  
Blogger Seattle Coffee Girl opined...

I love this post! Regarding the following:

#1: it's so true. Lorraine can pick up the merest shimmer of an accent and make it her own. It's a sight (sound) to behold (overhear).

#3: Who won? I never have watched that show, but I did watch Apolo rock his jitterbug on Dancing with the Stars. WOWEE.

#4: And THANK GOD for it. The Spouse has, by far, the best collection of single malts I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. He always makes someone feel rather regal the way he offers up a dram of whatever suits their fancy...or whatever the latest addition to his collection might be. So just be forewarned: I'll be stopping by your house as soon as I'm released from the birthing suites at Swedish. I'll have to learn the fine art of pump-and-dump so I can enjoy my first bit of post-partum Scotch with the Spouse!

May 22, 2007 1:55 PM  
Blogger Renee opined...

I'll try to get to it soon...But why can't we do "meaningless" things too?

May 22, 2007 2:08 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Gina, true story: we had just arrived in London and were eating lunch in this little Indian joint. An hour later I turn to the family and say, "Are we ready to go, then?" just like frakking Julie Andrews or something. The Spouse looked at me like I'd grown a second head and I was all, "What?"

SCG: Duly noted. Scotch will be saved for that occasion.

May 22, 2007 2:09 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Oh, and it was a woman named Tessa who was terrific...smart, beautiful, articulate. So not "Bachelor" material. Miss Apolo but heard he was splendid. Hope he wins. That would be awesome. (I want him and Julieann to get together...they are sooo cute).

May 22, 2007 2:11 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Oops, Renee. I think that was a typo. Feel free to be as meaningless as you'd like!

May 22, 2007 2:13 PM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

You and I will have to do English accents together when you're here.

I'll have the single malt Scotch waiting for The Spouse. Iwanski has enough.

May 22, 2007 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Heart is still not hair metal.

May 22, 2007 3:17 PM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

When you get off the plane, pronounce it "Shick-Caw-Go" and you'll fit right in.

May 22, 2007 3:34 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

amgggThank you!!..for tagging me. :)
I was getting ready to write a post about this thing I found in my belly button.
Cap'n Crunch rules!

May 22, 2007 7:02 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

Hey!...That word at the beginning of my comment was the evil word verification thingy.

May 22, 2007 8:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Thanks Lorraine, for playing along! As always, you make me giggle.
And I find it hard to believe you needed help with fodder for writing.

May 23, 2007 4:49 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Jon, pip pip. old chap. But watch out, y'all, 'cause I can do Texas, too.

And The Spouse appreciates your provision of scotch.

JP: Sometimes I hate you. Here...I've written a power ballad to tell you how much...just let me get my ax...

"Shick-caw-go, shick-caw-go, shick...'k, got it, Iwanski. The big question is whether I actually substitute a "da" for "the" as in "da Bears, da Cubs". Also, would I say something like, "That der Lou Pinyella, der, dat's my kinda manuger?"

Sling, oh, I thought "amggg" was new Blogopian code for blowing kisses because you were so happy to be tagged. (I know you were just recently but not by me and I already ticked JP off with that there taggin' business). I for one would be interested to learn about whatever you found in your belly button or even a soaring discourse on your love of the Cap'n and how you're mouth kinda gets all torn up when you eat it but it's ok because it's sorta like the endorphine rush people say happens when getting a tattoo. You could even write it as Guido...I find him infinitely fascinating.

You're welcome, Greeny, thanks for saving my bacon. (Seriously, I'd been reading through a bunch of my old stuff to find some stuff for this thing I'm doing and was so sick of words that nothing was coming at blog-time and then there you were with your tag. Yay!)

May 23, 2007 6:41 AM  

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