Thursday, January 10, 2008

Please Forgive Me If You've Heard this Before. My Spiel, That Is. The Song Bears Repeating.

It's weird to consider the fact that just a month or so ago I was majorly stressed out; worried about all sorts of things and then flummoxed by the fact that everytime I turned around there was something else to worry about.

I had the grace to feel stupid about my worry, sometimes. Compared to most of the people on the planet, I have it good. Real good. I have a house. Food on the table. Different food every night. I have a husband who loves me. I have a kid who makes me crazy but she's not autistic, fighting a life threatening illness, pregnant, on drugs, in a gang or any of the other myriad things she could be. Everyone in my house is healthy, able-bodied and gainfully employed. (OK, when I was stressing out I wasn't gainfully employed but you catch my drift).

In other words, even with the worries - which had their own legitimacy - life was pretty good and bitching about what wasn't seemed really petty.

I came up with a new prayer. (Maybe I already told you this...I can't remember). When I'd wake up in the middle of the night because of the worries I would just chant "Everything" over and over. Why? It was about trust that God knew all the details. I didn't have to go swimming over it all and get myself even more worked up (because as few things as I could control at that time, I had even less control over them at 3 a.m.). So instead of itemizing everything and working myself up further I just offered up everything and the worry would drain away and I could go back to sleep.

There was something else, something I used to do but had gotten out of the habit of and that was to start my day with a repeated "thank you". I just don't think it can be said often enough. Not to God or to the universe or to other people.

And then some stuff worked out. And then there was light at the end of the tunnel. And it's all good. Except that, really, it was all good before. Because as it turns out, all that worry wasn't about the state of finances, career, marriage or parenting. It was about what I needed to learn realative to those areas. And trust, that came as a bit of a shock because I like to think I've pretty much figured everything out. Hee. That's a funny thing to say.

Anywhine, point is, I'm very grateful for a whole lot and I'm worrying less. It's really nice.

Which brings me to today's video. The way I hear it, this is one of the nicest ways anyone ever told someone else to "get over it" that I've ever heard. Yeah, sometimes things suck...then what? It's all in your perspective. That message may be more implied than explicit but that's my interpretation. And if I'm wrong and it's a song about miring in your own whatever, well, at least the miring is happening to a really nice piano accompaniment. But the business in the video backs up my interpretation, so I'm going with that.

Favorite line has to be: "You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost". Very evocative. Even though my experience of life is exactly the opposite. There's a particular magic in kicking up leaves.

Daniel Powter "Bad Day"

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Blogger Lorraine opined...

And since long post titles run over the top of the first comment, allow me to take the bullet so you don't have to.

I'm a giver.

January 11, 2008 7:10 AM  
Blogger Doralong opined...

You're just like that ;)

Funny (as in curious, not amusing) I've been having a bad day for a few weeks now myself. And I have given myself nearly the same lecture you gave yourself more than once. Perhaps it'll stick here soon enough.

January 11, 2008 8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I likey this song.

January 11, 2008 9:26 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I can't help it, Doralong.

And you just give yourself a big ol' hug from me.

I think it should be your theme song, JP.

January 11, 2008 10:30 AM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

I think your first comment is the absolute sweetest thing I've ever seen!

January 11, 2008 10:48 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

That's me. Sweet.

January 11, 2008 11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Love the ending. (:
Oh and remind me never to compain about my bad day to you again. Sheesh! heh heh

January 11, 2008 1:37 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Pft, Hat. You know that wasn't the real inspiration. Silly. And isn't it a nice ending? I like it.

January 11, 2008 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I like the Freudian slippage when I type-o'ed "comPAIN" pft.

January 11, 2008 3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I like the song, but I think the video is what gives it the pow factor.

Also..gratitude. Yeah. Thanks. ;)

January 11, 2008 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I always try and remind myself that the daily crap that runs through my mind and tries to spoil my day are "luxury" problems. Problems I would never have experienced if I hadn't gotten sober, and taken responsibility for my life. It's amazing how I forget the gifts that are mine, even knowing how close I came to destroying everything around me. If I could change an aspect of my life (and I can, I guess) I would change my willingness to bitch over my unwillingness to list what I am grateful for.

January 12, 2008 10:39 AM  

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