Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year's Eve

Here's an amusing thing you may not have heard. Every New Year's Eve there is a big fireworks display at the Space Needle; actually, on the Space Needle. The Child was very excited to actually attend this event with The Boy. The Spouse and I were, as always, perfectly content to watch it on TV from the warmth of our family room.

Prior to the show a news guy was talking to the designer of the fireworks show, who was going on and on about how this year was going to be bigger and better than ever. As the countdown began, fireworks started shooting out from the base of the Needle and all the way to the top, with a big display due to bust out on the stroke of midnight. 4-3-2-1....nothing. Nothing for like, at least a minute. Then some fireworks shot off, but they weren't as impressive as we'd been led to believe. And then, more nothing for a sustained period of time. Then they started again but it was really obvious that something was wrong because they seemed sort of random and not at all balanced. Fireworks would shoot off from one side of the Needle, then others would spurt from the opposite side, further up the structure. Really weird.

Turns out there was a computer malfunction so they had to be set off manually. But one can only assume that since they were relying on computers, the crew was too small to cover the 605 foot building, hence the randomness of the display. It was pretty funny. Not, I'm sure, to the people running the show, but to me.

And despite it all, The Child had a fab time and came home smelling like gunpowder.

Meanwhile, The Spouse and I enjoyed our little repast:

The Dog looked fetching in my tiara but he was not amused.

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Blogger Anne opined...

Oh my! The caviar looks divine! You're making me hungry. (wonder if i have any non-stale breakfast bars here in my desk?)

January 08, 2008 1:23 PM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

The caviar with the sour cream on the pancake . . . Could that BE anymore "Babette's Feast?"

January 08, 2008 2:07 PM  
Blogger Kimberly Ann opined...

I heard the malfunction was due to Windows. Kinda funny with Mr. Gates' house not that far away from the festivities.

January 08, 2008 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

HAH HAH! I love irony.

January 08, 2008 2:53 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

It was divine, Anne. In fact, we ate the last smidge of it on baked potatoes last night. Lordy, lordy, lordy.

Latkes and caviar, Buck, I'm tellin' ya.

KA: THAT is too funny. Oh, the hardee har har. Hold me, Hat, I'm falling over from laughing.

January 08, 2008 2:57 PM  
Blogger more cowbell opined...

Oh that was funny. We were all toasting and cheering and whatnot, and everything just fizzled. We waited ... a bit more ... and finally concluded, "wow, somebody really skimped on the fireworks this year ... i think we've got more in the neighborhood!" About the time we'd decided the governor may have appropriated the funds to finally fix the Viaduct, the fireworks exploded, startling and confusing everyone. "Oh ... they screwed up!" Good times. Yeah.

January 08, 2008 3:23 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

We got the spun version here in O-Town.
I remember watching our news coverage of the Space needle fireworks,and thinking,"Hey!..The Child is right there in that very space needle!"
Only the footage we saw was spectacular!..I had no idea there were any malfunctions..The Dog looks appropriately haughty in his Tiara...Hmmph..

January 08, 2008 4:35 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Thank heaven for champagne and your own neighborhood fireworks, eh, Cowbell. Myself, I went outside and banged on some pots.

Ooh, really Sling? A "spun version"? That's pretty hysterical...you'd think the fact that it was a fizzle would have been more interesting.

And thank you for giving a shout out to The Dog because I think he is very cute and no one else commented.

January 08, 2008 4:39 PM  
Blogger rosemary opined...

Yummy....except for the little black round things.....just can't do that stuff. Poor dog....the tiara is too small.
Last post...JP's post? I love all of your new design additions in particular the couch cover. I love Ikea, sniff, the closest one is probably where you and the neighbor went.

January 08, 2008 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Well, the Dog doesn't look bad in the tiara, but he's not quite up to your level of sparkle, Lorraine. ;) The menu, however, looks scrumptious!

January 08, 2008 7:50 PM  

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