Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oh, the Glamour

The movie premiere last night was totally fun. Mostly because it turns out that the movie is really good. Seriously. The Child was beside herself during the prelims, darting around like a butterfly introducing herself and mentioning, oh so casually, that she had a role in the film.

"Sans Vie" is set 50 years in the future, in a rather dismal world, where people can connect to a giant computer called "Opticonnect". Using special contact lenses their eyes become the computer monitor. They can connect to others on-line, go into virtual worlds, like that. Now, least you think "eew, it's sci fi", not so much. The point of the movie is that this virtual way of experiencing life cuts one off from others. (Of course, I have a fundamental problem with this premise given my experience of "virtual" friends via Blogtopia, but let's not debate that for the moment). The main character, Jolie, is one such person. She meets a woman named Paige, who does not use Opticonnect and whose attempts at friendship challenge Jolie to consider whether her "life" has any particular meaning and whether or not engaging with others might not be a better choice.

It's all in French, for no other reason than the writer/producer/director, Matthew Morris, always wanted to make a French film. It's beautifully shot and even more beautifully lit (thanks to the abundant talents of The Spouse, don'tcha know). But the real point of the evening was, of course, that this was The Child's film debut. Or, as I clarified after being corrected by The Spouse (who said, "What about 'Hannah und Heir Papa'?), the first film she made that wasn't based on daddy having a whim one Thanksgiving weekend.

Hannah Und Heir Papa

Anyhoo, we were watching "Sans Vie" and The Child grabbed my hand when she realized her scene was coming up. She only had one line (in French), mostly it was emoting and such. But she looked fabulous and did a really fine job with her part. She was soooooo proud! Here are some stills of her in the film:

Here she is with Melissa Roberts, who plays the adult Jolie:

And here she is last night at the premiere, with the director in his superfantastic Versace suit that he bought for the occasion and let me just tell you that if I'd known he was going to dress like that and that his girlfriend was going to be in a hot black strapless gown with matching gloves and that half a dozen other women were going to be dressed to red carpet standards The Child and I so would have glammed up more than we did. I coulda worn my floofy tulle skirt, for crying out loud.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend doing absolutely NOTHING.

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Blogger Red Seven opined...

Hooray! I remember my film debut, except that it wasn't nearly as exciting as The Child's because I played "Terrorist #2" and was wearing a ski mask through the entire film, which was fairly crappy.

When is this one going up on YouTube?

September 29, 2007 2:10 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

"Terrorist #2?" Oh, the NSA is going to be all over that!

I doubt it's going to be on's got a 41 minute run time and he's planning on entering it in festivals.

I'll let you know when and where you can get a look.

September 29, 2007 8:51 PM  
Blogger Sling opined...

The Child looks wonderful!
That's some world class emoting right there.

September 29, 2007 9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Proud. Again.

September 30, 2007 3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Thank you for such a wonderful review and for coming out. It was a fantastic evening.

September 30, 2007 4:05 PM  
Blogger more cowbell opined...

oh, she's so cute in the running clip! The stills are great -- how exciting for her. You must be really proud of her.

September 30, 2007 4:06 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Sling, emoting is what she does best.

JP, I know. I know.

Matthew, wouldn't have missed it. You should be very proud of that film. Please just remember the little people when you're all hobnobbing with Bob Redford at Sundance and crap.

CB: Isn't she? I love that little running pumpkin face. Damn. Where'd my baby go?

September 30, 2007 4:57 PM  
Blogger Seattle Coffee Girl opined...

The Child is developing one heavenly body of work. Good on her for this latest stint, so glad you all enjoyed the premiere!

September 30, 2007 5:11 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Yep. Now if she could just work with Zac Efron or Daniel Radcliffe her life would be complete.

October 01, 2007 10:14 AM  

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