Thursday, September 27, 2007

This and That

I love to sleep. I've always been something of a night owl but since getting sick, I've been going to bed around 10pm, sometimes even earlier. And I'm loving it. Who knew the difference getting 8 hours of sleep a night could make? You'd think some health organization would have lauded these benefits by now. Sheesh.

You know that old saw about "I'll sleep when I'm dead?" I always hated that. Makes it sound like sleeping is a bad thing. I myself am a big proponent of sleeping. Especially of naps. Lordy, lordy, naps are a beautiful thing. People should take them more often. I think the world would be a better place if everyone would have a snack and a little lie down in the afternoon. Maybe with some nice music softly playing in the background. There'd be less stress, I'm pretty sure of it.

The other thing about sleeping more is that I'm even perkier when I get up at 6am. I didn't used to like early rising. Made me nauseous. But I've come to really enjoy 6am. It's a lyrical time. The sun is just risen, or just about to rise. The air is full of lark-song. (I actually don't know that we have larks here but it sounds very poetic, doesn't it?) Coffee tastes richer at 6am. And the house is still. The Spouse is gone, The Child and Dog are still sleeping. Sometimes The Cat is up, meowing for her can but once I feed her she shuts up, too.

I don't like 7am for rising. It's too sharp edged, too close to the rush of the day. I can't sit and savor my coffee and a good book at 7am. If I can't get up at 6 I'd rather just wait until 8. Maybe I just prefer even numbers. No, that's not true. My favorite numbers are 21 and 23. And 7 is a lovely time for dinner, whereas 6 seems entirely too early and geriatric. But for rising time, 6am is perfect.

Now that I'm feeling better, I'm thinking I'll still go to bed earlier. There's not much going on at 10pm worth staying up for. 10pm used to be a good time for television but it's really not so much anymore. "Battlestar Galactica" will probably be on at 10pm so I guess I'll stay up on Sunday nights. "Tim Gunn's Guide to Style" is on at 10pm on Thursdays. I love the Gunn. But I've decided I only love him enough to tape him. I don't feel like staying up to watch him.

I used to stay up to watch "ER" but those days are gone. I hate "ER". Know why? Because the entire premise of the show is that happiness is stupid. Don't believe me? Name 2 people on that show that are happy. You can't. And when people do get happy one of two things happen. Either they leave the show, so that we don't have to watch their happiness (Doug, Dr. Carter, Susan, Carol - who, of course, went off and reunited with now-happy Doug) or else they die. That's right. Dr. Green gets happy and they give him a brain tumor. Nela gets happy and her husband gets blown up in Iraq. I'm telling you, they hate the happy on that show. And it ticks me off. So I don't watch it anymore.

I read something really beautiful this morning that I'd like to share with you. I'm rereading Looking for Mary or, The Blessed Mother and Me by Beverly Donofrio. It's a terrific book, even if you aren't Catholic. Anyway, she's writing about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje and the priest that is leading the group gives this little homily:

"God gave everything to man and woman. Only one thing he said "Do not touch". A big success for Satan when he focused Eve's eyes from all that she had onto what she was missing. It is the human condition. All conflict begins at the same moment, when I become blind to what I have and see what I don't. We are conditioned to believe we need more to be happy. It's not bad to have more. It's bad when you do not see what you have. A man who lost his leg didn't feel joy when he had it.
"Life has to be more simple. We have so many gifts. If you want peace, open your eyes to what you have around you and say thank you".
That was a good reminder to me, after spending too much time yesterday mired in what wasn't done. It's good to be reminded to say "thank you".

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Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I like you my friend. (squench)

September 27, 2007 10:26 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Back atcha, boobala.

September 27, 2007 10:51 AM  
Blogger Anne opined...

Is ER still on? I quit watching that years ago.

September 27, 2007 11:10 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Me, too. The only thing interesting about that show is that it is still going strong when none of the original cast are left.


September 27, 2007 11:16 AM  
Blogger rosemary opined...

6 AM is a good wakeup time. It is quiet here as well, squirrels are even quiet. As for ER.....I hate all of the medical shows because the stuff that happens rarely does and the way it is shown is absolute lawsuit material.

Simple, true words to ponder....

September 27, 2007 1:16 PM  
Blogger Red Seven opined...

I don't watch ER; haven't for years. I'd list all the shows I do watch, but I just did that on Monica's blog and don't feel like typing it all again. Suffice to say, ER is not on the list. I left that show when George Clooney did.

And while I can't join you at 6 a.m., I will absolutely join you with the gratitude thing? Did you know that if you sleep in a bed, hang your clothes in a closet, and put your food in a refrigerator, that you are wealthier than 75% of the world's population? TOTALLY TRUE. And yet, our consumerist culture thrives off of making us all feel like we don't have enough, when the truth is that most of us have a wee bit too much. Gratitude is a beautiful thing.

Another beautiful thing is getting up at 10am on a Saturday. THAT'S an even number I can get behind. Most weekdays, the hardest thing I do all day long is put my feet on the floor in the morning. Seriously.

September 27, 2007 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I still watch ER.

I had a reason, but I forget what it was now.

September 27, 2007 9:08 PM  
Blogger more cowbell opined...

I love sleep more than most other things in life. But I can never take naps, so no friggin' way could I go there with you on the 6am thing. Good gravy, that's just crazytalk. Hello, Nightowl here. Which doesn't work so well with a normal workday schedule, so it pretty much sucks for me. I thought the Army would change me into a morning person ... alas, no.

September 27, 2007 11:13 PM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

Your morning tribute reminds me of a line from a Shaker hymn:
"As mounts the lark at early morn to tune its joyful matin lays, so shall my spirit, upward born, pour forth a song of grateful praise."

Ain't that just the purdiest thang?

September 28, 2007 6:21 AM  
Blogger Amy opined...

Whew. Just catching up on you and your business. I read the birthday stuff before, but wow, girl. You know how to party...and party some more...and party some more.

Yup. Throw the chocolate cake in the mail. I never met a chocolate cake I didn't like. Tee-hee.

Glad your birthday and anniversary were all you hoped for! And so glad you can sleep now!

September 28, 2007 6:59 AM  
Blogger Traveling Matt opined...

sleep... the one thing that can be the difference between my comfort and my functioning. I will choose sleep over most things. sleep is a bigger temptation than snacks... and i like eating.

i love tim gunn so much but... i can not STAND veronica webb. kara saun would have made a better co host... or chloe...or SANTINO!!!!!!!! (maybe not Santino, even though i think he's awesome and should have won his season)

i want a nap now. i think i typed and read the word sleep too many times :)

September 28, 2007 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I used to be a night owl, but once I discovered the joy of watching the sun rise in perfect solitude, I did an about face. I am up by 5:30 most days, earlier if I am hitting the gym. Gym days equate to 4:30, gym by 5. I usually hit the hay by 9:30, and am experiencing my own mini-dramas while sound asleep by 10. Who needs ER, when Ugly Tatey runs nightly?

Greed and grasping, are the downfall of mankind. Being unable to live in the moment, and appreciate the blessings that surround you, is a very sad and frustrating ordeal. I was lucky to have learned that lesson at an earlier age. I am at the point where I do more purging than collecting or amassing "things". You would be very proud of my organized and simple home.

September 28, 2007 9:01 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Rosie, I'll think of you next time I greet the sun!

Red, I agree. 10am is a very nice round waking up number.

JP: You need to get out more.

CB: I didn't become a morning person until I was about 48...there's time.

Buck: I seem to recall singing that hymn with you...

J: Cake crumbs are in the mail!

Monica: I think I'm with you on that Veronica Webb thing...I tried to like her but she just doesn't work for me. And I'd cry too if that stick wanted to look in my underwear drawer. (What kind of sick and twisted thing is that, anyway? Stacy and Clinton preach the virtues of a good bra but they leave a poor woman some dignity. Sheesh). Have a nice nap!

September 28, 2007 9:21 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Yes, Tater...I'm sure I'd be VERY proud of your simple and organized home. Gratitude and order...2 quickest routes to peace I know of!

September 28, 2007 9:22 AM  

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