Friday, September 01, 2006

September 1

This was one of those mornings when I had to list out all my "to dos" because it was all rattling around in my head, seeming much bigger than it really is. Reduced to a list on paper it is much less daunting. You're just dying to know what I have to do, right?

Since Best Friend was here this week I didn't go into the campaign office so I'm going in today to stuff envelopes or whatever.

Which reminds me: I totally forgot to write a post about not getting all schadenfreude about Mike! McGavick's surprise announcement last week about all the various ways in which he has screwed up his life over the years. Everything from divorce to DUI, as it turns out. I'm not dancing on his grave over all this because people mess up. And I think it is a noble thing to admit when you have fallen short. We all have. In fact, I think one of the biggest problems with politics today is the fact that once you decide to run, someone makes it a life quest to find every possible skeleton in your closet, including the time in high school when you skipped 7th period to go to the Sit and Sip. A lot of fine people who would otherwise be drawn to public service decide not to enter that arena precisely because they have led less than pristine lives. I do, however, think it is interesting when a public figure like Mr! McGavick! can be honest about his failings yet persist in supporting an agenda and a party that is ALL about sitting in judgement on and legislating the morality of the rest of us. I have no doubt that Mike! would be a happy little rubber stamp for the Bush agenda. He is conducting, so far, a "civil" campaign and he gets snaps for that. But I still don't want to see him in the other Washington.

Anyhoo, then I have to get the grocery shopping done, pick up The Child so I can take her to Costco and get her winter coat plus make (finally) an eye appointment for myself. Here's something I'll be you didn't know. I've worn glasses since the 4th grade and I'm pretty much blind without them. I also hate myself in glasses. I've worn contacts since college. But I ran out of contacts in December and have neither requested my insurance voucher (which pays for like, half the cost) nor made an appointment for my annual checkup and thus, have been wearing glasses all year. Did I mention I hate wearing glasses? But apparently the hatred isn't so strong as to stave off my own laziness. Sheesh. Anyway, there's no fracking way that I'm going to go to BBB's wedding in that gorgeous Little Black Dress, all coiffed and fabulous, still wearing my glasses. Sheesh again.

Then The Child wants me to help her finish up the edits on her last book report so she is formally and officially done. Which I support and applaud because I am all about her taking the initiative schoolwork-wise.

And that's pretty much it.

Tomorrow afternoon and early evening I'm helping Ree with a teaching dinner that she donated to the school auction. Which should be interesting because the "clients", if you will, are the parents of a former teacher of The Child's of whom I was, shall we say, less than fond. Don't worry, I'll be very well-behaved. Bygones.

And Sunday is our annual Labor Day BBQ. Which reminds me that I have to add half a dozen things to my shopping list....ok, I'm back.

So while I'm scampering around all weekend, know what The Spouse is doing? Nothing. He's taking today through Tuesday off. Which is just dandy because he deserves it and no one works harder than he does, blah blah blah. He'll be doing some grilling, which is good because it will keep all the blood from pooling in his legs, thus averting the embolism which would otherwise result from 5 days of playing Day of Defeat.

So there you go. I just turned over the calendar to its new page and we're off.


Blogger Grish opined...

5 days of computer games and no work. That sounds fantastic...:P

September 01, 2006 11:54 AM  
Blogger Sling opined...

My sympathies lie with The Spouse..and shouldn't YOU be working harder?...I'm just sayin'...

September 01, 2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Eric opined...

I spent all day troubleshooting the exchange server issues we have been experiencing. Meh

September 01, 2006 8:22 PM  
Blogger Eric opined...

thought i did get a bit of the slay on for DoD

September 01, 2006 8:23 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Thought you'd like the sound of that, Grish.

Bump and bump, Charlie.

I'll pass that on, Sling. And you're right. This lolling around eating bonbons thing has GOT to stop!

September 01, 2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Yeah! No embolism today!

September 01, 2006 8:26 PM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

I'm already looking foward to the Labor Day barbecue. I want details.

September 02, 2006 9:12 AM  

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