Friday, May 04, 2007

Unoriginal Thoughts

I didn't blog yesterday and I woke up this morning at 4am with a brain tumor so I don't feel like blogging now. But I'm going to. I'm stalwart that way.

Last night I dreamt that The Spouse and I were at a restaurant with Jon, Iwanski and Miss Healthypants. I was sitting next to Iwanski and he didn't speak the entire time so I kept coming up with stuff to talk about, each topic more lame than the last. I think it's because Jon and I have been talking all week about this Chinese place that we have to eat at when we're in Chicago this summer and because Iwanski said something in a post this week about hating to have unoriginal conversations. At which point I thought, "Frak. I have to come up with some original thoughts by July. When am I going to have time to do that?"

Fascinating what the subconscious will put together for our amusement. The Neighbor had a very detailed dream last weekend wherein she was engaged to Richard Gere and her mom was angry because she'd forgotten to pack her wedding dress so her mom had to ship it to her. "And it cost me $200," she complained. The funniest thing about the dream was that The Neighbor kept calling her betrothed "Richard Gere". Not Richard, Rich, Rick, Dick or Snookums but always Richard Gere.

The Spouse is making fried chicken for dinner tonight and chimichangas tomorrow. That's exciting.

And that is all I have to offer in this brief lull before my brain tumor acts up again. I need a nap.

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Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

Get Iwanski into a game of Trivia Pursuit. It's scary and amazing. The guy knows everything.
He's an amazing singer as well.

May 04, 2007 1:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Sorry about the brain tumor. And would you mind loaning me your spouse for a bit? I have no clue what it's like to have a spouse cook dinner, and I'd like to know what that's like once before I die.

I'll bet you've never had a lame topic come out of your mouth ever. I, OTOH...well, let's just leave it at that.

May 04, 2007 1:34 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Great, Jon. That just helped a bunch. Not.

Thank you for the sympathy, Gina. And I'll put THe Spouse ina boox, punch some air holes and ship him to you. After the weekend. I'll miss him, of course, but you should have the experience of a spouse cooking for you. Especially since he doesn't just cook, he's a very fine cook.

May 04, 2007 4:07 PM  
Blogger Suzanne opined...


Sorry about your head...hope you feel better soon.
...and I'm very grateful for my spouse who cooks! Otherwise my children might go hungry.


May 04, 2007 7:24 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Thanks, Suz. It should be in remission by tomorrow. That George Clooney. What a guy.

May 04, 2007 9:02 PM  

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