Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Rehearsal in Two Acts: Act 1 - We Rehearse

The tale must begin, as any good tale does, at the beginning. I can't tell you about the wedding without telling you about the rehearsal.

At 5pm sharp we all met outside the Chapel of St. Ignatius, on the Seattle University campus (Bride's alma mater). It is a lovely, intimate space. We began by standing in a circle to introduce ourselves and have a prayer. I wasn't sure I would be able to even speak my name, suddenly overwhelmed as I was with love for the Bride, who has been in our family for 12 years, and excitement that this day was finally here. I managed but also realized that copious amounts of tissue would need to be acquired before Saturday. If I was this varklempt at the rehearsal, what would the real deal be like?

The rehearsal itself went off without a hitch. The chapel wedding coordinator is a very kind and able person. (This was nice because I have been around wedding coordinators who are better suited to military ops than to sacred liturgies).

It was lovely to see that the Bride and her Prince were so calm and happy. Brides, as you may know, sometimes lose their minds but ours was in command, not of the situation but of herself. She didn't need to marshall troops or fuss over details. She mostly just beamed.

The Prince is a sweet, lovely man but he tends to be a smidge shy. I had worried that he might be too nervous to enjoy himself. But he seemed perfectly at ease and did his own share of beaming. (I have the photos to prove it but Blogger is now tired of loading them so I'll just show you the wedding party. You have to trust me on the "beaming" bit).

The Child has been waiting for this day pretty much her entire life. From the time she could toddle The Bride always told her that if she ever got married, The Child would be in her wedding. Having graduated out of Flower Girl range, she happily accepted her promotion to Junior Bridesmaid; a job she took very, very seriously.


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