Saturday, September 02, 2006

My Head is full of Mulch and Clafouti

The Child is off to Bumbershoot, the annual Labor Day weekend arts and music festival hooha thing down at the Seattle Center. She won't be home until late. I am rebaking the plum and berry clafouti she made the other day because the custardish part didn't set up as much as it should have. I plan to serve it at tomorrow's bbq, along with some brownies (which I'm going to make from a Trader Joe's mix instead of from my super fantastic brownie recipe because once I make the potato salad, black bean & corn salad and the Chinese green bean thing and get the baked beans in the oven I sense I will have grown weary of party cooking).

For now, a trip to Satan's Hardware Store is in order. The rose beds need mulching because they look very sad and pathetic and people are coming to my house tomorrow and I'm so tired of not having a stunning garden. Check that: I'm tired of not having a lovely garden springing forth spontaneously, nurtured by nothing more than admiring pictures of lovely gardens and saying, "Golly, wouldn't that be nice". Because really, I can't be bothered. Sometimes it's satisfying to weed and deadhead and all that other lugging and dirt-making stuff one has to do to make an impressive garden. But it doesn't rock my world enough for me to commit fully. Which is why my garden isn't that impressive. Except for all my lavendar. Which is my secret weapon. Trompe l'oiel gardening, baby. Put in a bunch of lavendar, let it take over and people will be fooled into thinking you have some sort of gardening thing going on. Well, lavendar and mulch. Ergo my need to get down to Satan's* .

Right, so I need to get that project underway because, as I mentioned yesterday, I'm helping with this teaching dinner thing this afternoon. Which sucks because The Child is gone and The Spouse is otherwise occupied and I could essentially have the place to myself, pursuing my own ends. But it doesn't suck because I get to spend time with my friend, Ree, who is very funny and a very talented cook and it will be fun to spend time with her. And maybe I can even talk her into going out for a drink after we're done with our gig, which would be fun because she and I hardly EVER spend time just the two of us any more. And now that I think of it, spending time with Ree trumps vegging out by myself so I rescind the suckage. And maybe this dinner will yield some blog fodder. Who knows?

Have a nice Saturday.

*Satan's Hardware Store aka Lowe's. We used to have an Eagle Hardware, which was super fantastic but Lowe's bought them out or whatever and they are horrible. Only once have I ever encountered a person there who actually knew what he was talking about. And that's even assuming you can find an employee. It's a stupid store and I hate it but it is closer than Home Depot (which I love) and I don't have time to go to Home Depot because I have to go to the teaching dinner thing at 1:45. So there you go.


Blogger Grish opined...

Our Home Depot and Lowes are just the opposite here...

September 02, 2006 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

It seems that Lowe's always has to special order things that Home Depot generally has in stock.At least,that was my experience when I was doing remodels...You have a wonderful holiday!

September 02, 2006 8:51 PM  
Blogger HORIZON opined...

I love Lavender in the garden. Do you know it grows great in small containers- the roots don't mind being crushed together- actually seem to thrive - weird! Hurry back from your dinner thingy and we'll crack open a bottle of wine. lol Sounds like you've been a very busy Lady.
Nice to have a minute this end to pop by and see how your doing.

September 03, 2006 5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I'm giving you another award, this time for use of the word "hooha." It's a good word, and people should know about it.

September 03, 2006 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Hi I liked reading through your blog Thanks for sharing.Its a nice blog
Wish you well. I too like lavender matter of fact I have three huge plants now and the smell is over powering He!He!He!
Wish you well

September 04, 2006 3:58 AM  

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