Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Evening

The Spouse and Child are out making a movie today. I just realized I don't know if they will be home for dinner. And I can't call because if they are in the middle of shooting then a ringing cell phone won't be a welcome thing and The Spouse might even snark at me.

If they come home I'm making chicken with apricot glaze & almonds. If they don't I'm having salad. But if I wasn't feeling tubby I would eat pizza. Lots and lots of pizza.

What Kind of Pizza are You?

Meatball Pizza
Unusual and uncompromising.
You're usually the first to discover a new trend.
You appreciate a good meal and good company.
You're an interesting blend of traditional and modern.


Blogger Sling opined...

I am,
Meatball Pizza

Unusual and uncompromising.
You're usually the first to discover a new trend.
You appreciate a good meal and good company.
You're an interesting blend of traditional and modern.
It's like they've known me my whole life!

July 29, 2006 8:10 PM  
Blogger Otilia opined...

same here...I wasn't exactly impressed with the term "meatball pizza", but, hey, I'm in good company

July 29, 2006 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

First I was cheese, then I was everything, then I was pepperoni. How'd you all get meatball?

It's rigged.

July 29, 2006 11:23 PM  
Blogger Grish opined...

Diverse and adaptable
You enjoy the full buffet of life
It's hard to you play favorites with friends... or flavors
There's very little that you dislike!

July 30, 2006 12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.

So I'm OK with the above but not OK with the fact that I'm a boring "cheese pizza", unless, of course, you're talking quatre frommage.

July 30, 2006 12:34 PM  

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