Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Girlie Girl

A neighbor (as distinguished from The Neighbor) gave The Child some new hair things yesterday. The Child is a very girlie girl but she has yet to really get into the whole primping/hair & makeup thing. Frankly, we're still working on the showering/combing your hair more than once a week/matching your socks to your dress thing. But last night, under the inspiration of her new hair baubles and aided further by the soundtrack to "High School Musical" she came to dinner all coiffed and adorable.

I don't want her to be obsessed with her looks, nor do I need any more competition for the bathroom mirror, but it is important at this juncture to encourage her efforts and she really did look very pretty.

"You look very pretty," I said.

"Thank you. And did you notice I have some freckles. Don't you think they're cute?"

They are and I do so I told her so, also mentioning oh so casually that fair skinned chicklets of Northern European descent do well do wear sunscreen every day. Which I totally forgot to give her this morning.

We have, as you know, our moments. But on balance I very much treasure my relationship with my daughter. Here's another glimpse at our mother-daughter magic.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Even in another language, that made more sense than what I saw last night.

May 10, 2006 9:31 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I keep hoping that this is just an "appearances are decieving" sort of thing and that somehow it will all work out and it really won't be over between Luke and Lorelie. And Al Gore won Florida.

May 10, 2006 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I was expecting your impressions of Gilmore Girls' season finale. I actually watched it last night in anticipation of your rumination.

Waiting patiently.


May 10, 2006 12:17 PM  

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