Thursday, November 09, 2006

Uncle JP, Have You Bought that Shotgun Yet?

So I'm sitting at the volleyball game last night and 3 young men saunter in and sit down near me. They're maybe 12-14 years old. They aren't from The Child's school, just kids hanging around. They begin to talk amongst themselves. I can't really make out what they are saying exactly; the game was going on and they were speaking in fairly quiet tones. But they have clearly arrived at the realization that girls maybe don't completely stink afterall. One kid, who had very long eyelashes, was holding forth about how when he likes a girl she doesn't like him but when he stops liking her and likes someone else then the first girl starts liking him all of a sudden. (I get many snaps for not snorting out loud or in anyway mocking the callowness of youth).

Then the conversation migrates from the general to the specific. Specifically, the girls in front of them. From the snippets picked up and general tone I can tell they are not being disrespectful or mean. They are in appraisal mode. They like what they see. Giggling begins. I decide the fair thing to do is lean over and say, quite gently, "Guys, you might want to be aware that you're sitting with the parents of those young ladies".

The kid nearest me claps his hand over his mouth saying, "My bad". The one in the middle, the one with the long, dreamy eyelashes and the "they like me, then they don't" story, presses his lips together and kind of hunches down in embarrasment. Then "My Bad" says to me, "Is number 3 your daughter?"

I answer in the affirmative.

"Cool," he says.

Appropos of nothing, I'm going to get her longer volleyball shorts. Today.

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Anonymous Anonymous opined...

The last words they'll ever hear will be me saying "Oops. My bad."

November 09, 2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Eric opined...

La la la la la I cant hear you la la la la la

November 09, 2006 8:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

That is just classic! And about those they still wear "huggies" or have they moved on to something a little more flattering? When Daughter played, they wore those - well, basically old lady two piece bathing suit bottom type "trunks" (this was in 1990, remember) that were just awful, and IMO, too short. The nickname was "huggies" cuz with undies under them, well, it looked like you had diapers on. I have no idea what they wear nowadays.

Oh, and on the "they like me then they don't" thing... I tell Youngest Son all the time that girls are idiots and fickle and to not get upset when, as soon as he asks a girl he's been "hanging out with" or having lunch daily with, on a date, she stops talking to him. They date the bad boys, they hang out and eat lunch with the really good, nice, sweet guys. He's just about given up any hope of ever having a girlfriend. Daughter swears he'll never get married and that he'll live at home with us until he's 30. The girls don't know what they're missing out on.

November 09, 2006 8:31 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

LOL, JP! I'm so glad we've put you in charge of security.

Yes, Honey. I understand the state of Denial is beautiful this time of year.

Gina, For community ball they just wear whatever they have (with team t shirts). The Child has legs for days. Regular shorts, I suddenly realize, are too short. For CYO they have very appropriate uniforms.

And tell your daughter to be nicer to Youngest Son. Poor baby. We all know that one of these days some girl is going to wake up and realize what a gem he is. He needs to be encouraged, not mocked. (I speak from experience).

November 09, 2006 8:42 AM  
Blogger Eric opined...

Oh and if anyone wants to see Lorraine doing her best eurotrash commentary on Tiaras I have posted the video on my blog.
JP knows or what I speak

November 09, 2006 9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Well, at least he has long, dreamy eyelashes, and showed some embarassment.

Long shorts? Sweatpants. Baggy sweatpants.

November 09, 2006 2:12 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

To hide the bulk of the chastity belt. Crap. Someone in Omaha just blew cherry coke out his nose. Again.

November 09, 2006 2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Yep. Ouch.

November 09, 2006 2:55 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Poor Poodle. You should probably ice those nostrils.

November 09, 2006 2:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Ah, I see charlie's son (about the same age as mine, if I recall correctly) feels the same about girls as Youngest Son. And yes, Lorraine, Daughter should totally be nicer to her brother, but big sisters love to terrorize their little brothers, dontcha know.

November 09, 2006 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

speaking for all former and present adolescent males whose mothers have bought their daughters longer volleyball shorts.."Damm!"

November 09, 2006 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

OOPS!...Make that,"adolescent males whose "girlfriends" mothers", etc....
See how that totally changes the tenor of the comment?....My bad..

November 09, 2006 7:00 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Gee, Sling. I thought I was doing them a favor. You know, helping them to focus on their school work and all that.

November 09, 2006 7:26 PM  

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