Thursday, October 19, 2006

So Weird

Last night I was talking to The Child before she went to bed. She was in the doorway of the bathroom, ready to start her nightly wash-up, and I was in the hall. It was just casual conversation, nothing of significance, and then I realized that we were practically eye-to-eye. Literally.

Her pediatrician once said that she'd top out at 5'2" and I knew that wasn't going to be the case. We grow 'em tall and skinny in my clan. But somehow I never considered the implications of her being the same height as moi. And she's not done growing.

So, so weird.


Blogger Unknown opined...

I passed my mom up by an inch by the end of 6th grade, then shot up another 4 inches in the next two years. I don't think she ever forgave me. It made waggling her finger in my face a whole lot more difficult, and a lot less intimidating, though she still scared the poop out of me when she was mad. Fortunately, that was not too often. Wolverines come to mind when I think of her angry.

October 19, 2006 9:18 AM  
Blogger Nicole opined...

I personally believe it should be ILLEGAL for children to be taller than their parents until they move out of the house.

October 19, 2006 9:54 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Gina, LOL - angry wolverines. I have decided that for purposes of maintaining the intimidation factor I will have to make The Child sit down so I can tower over her when I yell.

Nicole, You'd better get to work on that legislation before it's too late. I've seen your husband. You should be very afraid.

October 19, 2006 10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

OMG, I am still in shock whenever I look at the Child. Just yesterday, it seems, she was a wee bit that you were holding in your arms with those cheeks-that-runneth-over. Now, the girl is all lankiness and limbs. How is this possible??

I think you should post the picture of Queen Victoria on Halloween. :)


October 19, 2006 11:20 AM  
Blogger Otilia opined...

What size shoe is she wearing?

October 19, 2006 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Still enjoying your blog, Lorraine! *smiles*

I think all my brothers and sisters (there are 8 of us, in all!) are at least a little bit taller than my Mom. Just think, she had to live through that "weird" experience 8 times!!

I hope I never have that experience with our future kids, but I definitely know FOR SURE that I won't have it 8 times! *grin*

MHP :)

October 19, 2006 5:00 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Brooke, I know! What happened to those chubber chubber cheeks?

Edy, That's the bitch of it. She is a half size BIGGER than me. We were supposed to SHARE our shoe wardrobe!

MHP, You're so cute. Like your babies will be cute. With chubber chubber cheeks. And then they'll grow up and turn on you. But I'll be here for you.

October 19, 2006 5:17 PM  
Blogger Grish opined...

The Number 1 is about eye to me now and will pass me soon. I haven't coped yet either...

October 19, 2006 10:05 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Grish, Know what we need? That's right. Jell-o shots.

October 19, 2006 10:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

You know, I was safe for awhile - my two oldest kids are my stepkids and their mom is short. Oldest son is 5'8" - almost 2" shorter than me. Daughter is 5'4". Then came youngest son, with MY tall genes and spouse's (he's 6 foot). Youngest Son passed me up when he was about 14. He passed Dad about 2 years ago and is now 2" taller than Dad. He's just an all around BIG buy. Talk about loss of intimidation factor. When I get mad at him, he just laughs at me, puts his arms around me, makes me laugh. Brat.

October 20, 2006 6:47 AM  

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