Thursday, June 15, 2006

Things I'm Giddy About

1. Battlestar Galactica

We've started the first disc of Season 2.0. Love it. Love everything about it. Love the characters, love the complications, love the way they turn religion and politics inside out, love the acting, love the ocassional humor. Love it, love it, love it.

2. JP

Partly because he hooked me on BSG. Partly because he pretends to having a bitter(sweet) chocolate outside but his center is gooey caramel.

3. New stuff

My friend Payson sent me a giant box yesterday. The return address said "Ralph Lauren Reclaimation Center". He's a wicked saavy shopper and finds the most spectacular deals on, well, everything. He's been cleaning house and sent a mess of shams and throws and such, including a lovely little bit of art which I currently have resting comfortably above the Viking. (I'd show it to you but fracking Blogger still won't let me post pictures. Argh!!!!) I probably won't be able to leave it there because all the cooking will make it icky. But it looks really awesome there so maybe I'll just leave it and wipe it down every evening when I shine my sink. Or move it. Anyway, I love Payson and not just because he gives me thousands of dollars worth of Ralph Lauren (although that doesn't hurt). I just love him because he's one of my dearest friends ever. I hate Texas because that's where he lives now.

4. Summer

School is out tomorrow at 10. (Why they bother with that 2 hour last day is beyond me. All the schools do it. It's nuts). There will still be pencils, there will still be books but there will be a reprieve on teacher's dirty looks.

(That was a cheap shot. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Much.)

5. Not cooking tonight.

You know I adore cooking but one still needs a break once in a while. Tonight is the Ministries dinner at church where everyone who's involved in parish programs gets together for a big potluck. It's always a swell time. I'm taking a couscous and black bean salad but that will be the work of 5 minutes so it doesn't count as cooking. Ok, maybe 7 minutes because I have to chop a red pepper. But the point is that when I leave the house this afternoon the kitchen will be clean and it will still be clean when we get home AND we will be home fairly early which means The Spouse and I can probably watch 2 episodes of BSG before bedtime AND I won't have to wipe down the painting. It is a charmed life.

6. The Dog

He's too adorable. This morning when my alarm went off he weaseled his way up to me, licked my forehead and laid his little shaggy head on my shoulder as if to say, "Come on, just 5 more minutes". Then he made a disgusting snorting sound in my ear.

7. Parent Club

We had our final meeting of the school year this a.m. We floated an idea by the Principal and she was all for it so next year we're going to experiment with having our monthly parent club meetings on Sunday after mass. We are sure it will increase attendance and promote community involvement. You see what this means, don't you? NO EVENING MEETINGS! (Except for Curriculum Night, but that doesn't count). Also, we saw our budget numbers and after the final fundraiser (concessions at Safeco Field at Friday's game...I'm not involved) we will have hit our nut for the year. We rock.

8. Support.

Y'all had some great suggestions and encouragement yesterday, which I really appreciate. Most of all, I appreciate that the other parents among you are not the yucky sort who are compelled to parade your perfect children and your perfect parenting before the rest of us. The best thing other parents can do for each other is be honest about the struggles even while celebrating the victories. Thanks for doing that. It takes a village.



Blogger Display Name opined...

Fracking? I thought it was 'farking'? Damn! How many F-bomb variations do you have?! Generous friends with good taste is in my top three favorite things in life. Generous friends with poor taste still makes the top ten.

June 15, 2006 11:19 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Yes, JA, it's "Frack". I was using "fark" the other day but that was wrong, as The Spouse pointed out in front of everyone. The correct BSG swearword is "Frack" and "Frack" is what I shall use henceforth. Except when I forget and say "Fark".

June 15, 2006 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I usually just stick to the original when it comes to that word. Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby.

I am NOT caramel on the inside. A bit nutty, maybe. ;)

June 15, 2006 6:26 PM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

A very healthy list, and a nice way to mark a Thursday.

And y'all got me thinking about other F-word variations:

Farscape: "frelling"
Firefly/Serenity: "ruttin'" (plus probably some Chinese stuff)
Johnny Dangerously: "farging" (as in "farging icehalls")

Does "fudge" from A Christmas Story count?

June 16, 2006 4:46 AM  

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