Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A New Day

I took to my bed yesterday, my suffering eased only by the ministrations of my little dog, who gently licked my brow. As I lay in a darkened, fetid sickroom I thought, "HMOG, Bush is going to invade Mexico!"

It seemed just crazy enough to be something his gang would cook up. And think of the problems it would solve. If we annexed Mexico we'd resolve the immigration problem in one fell swoop because, well, if Mexico was ours then the people would be ours so they wouldn't be trying to get into America anymore because they'd already be in America. Talk about a win-win situation. And on top of that we'd get their oil, tequila, silver bracelets and all the Chicklets we could chew. This was starting to sound like a pretty good plan.

By the afternoon I was all better. Wrung out, but better. I was completely useless all day. Well, I managed to pay the mortgage on time. That's always good. But as the hour for the President's speech approached I began to feel vaguely anxious. What if an invasion of Mexico wasn't the result of a bird talon headache? What if, while thrashing in pain, I'd accidently turned on the radio and heard an NPR analyisis?

Imagine my relief. We aren't invading Mexico. Not yet anyway. We're sending a mess of troops to the border for a year (where they're coming from I have no idea) and we're going to be setting up cameras and building walls and generally seeing to it that our border is less porous (how we'll pay for it I have no idea). But we are NOT invading Mexico. Yet.

And, while this may seem like a remnant of my headache induced lunacy, I tell you in complete honesty that watching the President last night didn't exactly make my skin itch. Maybe because he wasn't invoking 9/11 every 30 seconds and actually seemed to have a plan. In fact, not all of his plan is bad. And, again, I know this is going to seem crazy, but he even gets some snaps. 2 snaps. 1 for taking on those critics who want to round up all the immigrants and deport them. (If he'd mentioned that these critics were members of his own party I might have given him double snaps on this one but me giving Bush snaps...come on. He's so happy right now). He laid out a very cogent description of the path that should be created for those who have been here illegally for a long time and I agree with him. (Cue the flying pigs....) His 2nd snap is for urging us to try and be civilized in conducting this debate and to remember that we are talking about human beings with dignity and worth.

I feel great this morning and thanks to all of you sweet people who wished me well. (Oh, that's cool. I never really thought of what that phrase means). My head is clear, my heart is pure and yes, of course, I still think W is the worst president we've ever had. Calm down. I'm going into Maria's this morning and then I'll hopefully be able to spend the afternoon in far more productive ways than I did yesterday. Like think about what I'm going to do with my share of the tequila.


Blogger Lex Lata opined...

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by the moderation of his proposals (although I still think using the National Guard is a stupid idea for all kinds or reasons). And in splitting the baby, he didn't totally cave to his John Birch constituency. Good on him.

May 16, 2006 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Your picture of the languishing beauty with the hourglass figure looks like Swedish Actress Anna Held, who frolicked, I believe, with one of our lesser presidents, and who had ribs removed in order to get her waist down to fourteen inches. She later suffocated to death as a result of this beauty decision. Kind of like those plastic surgery addicts who end up looking like mahogany tiki gods.

This is the kind of thing my head is full of. Very like a painless (except to my friends) talon-like headache.

May 16, 2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Display Name opined...

That picture is of Anna Held. Love love love. Anyhoo, I couldn't bring myself to watch the speech, so I just listened to the main points later. True, he didn't totally suck. But also true, something about this makes my tummy feel funny.

May 16, 2006 11:04 AM  
Blogger Diane S. opined...

Hear! Hear! To your recovery!

I'm even willing to give Bush a snap for asking that the immigration debate be a little less mean spirited. If he was willing to use to "R" (racism) word, he'd get a hand written letter of thanks from me.

Given Bush's appetite for military action, I'm actually surprised we're not invading Mexico, but perhaps even Bush recognizes that a 34% approval rating means you only get to start one more new war, and I think he's got his heart set on Iran.

FWIW: on Saturday or Sunday, Bush gave the commencement speach to the Gulf Coast Community College. It was actually an amazing speech. It was soaring. It was frigin' oratory. I don't think this means Bush is capable of any of these things, I think it means Bush has improved at reading from a script, and they've hired someone new at the White House who can actually write a speech. The highlight? The guy graduating at the top of his class was a man who lost his sight in his mid-twenties. He taught himself brail. Bought a computer that would read text books outloud to him and enrolled in college. After Katrina hit, his house was one of the few left standing and became a sort of mini-dorm for the duration of the school year. He plans to go to Law School. I don't know his name, but maybe he'll run for president. I think I could like a guy like this.

May 16, 2006 4:51 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Cardinal, Which president could be lesser than the one we have now. For lo, despite the snaps he got from me today he is still much diminished in regard and favor.

May 16, 2006 5:07 PM  
Blogger Amy opined...

Glad to hear you're feeling better... Good to know W had one or two acceptable things to say - I avoid W at all costs... I break out in hives when I see or hear him... It's been hard for him to accept the distance I've put between us... but such 'is' da breaks.

May 16, 2006 7:22 PM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

My favroite part of the speech (which was written and teleprompted) was where the Prez said "We're not gonna militarize the border."

May 16, 2006 8:20 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Amy, I understand completely. Watching/listening to W is not unlike a hot flash for sheer entertainment value. But I think Sam Seaborne is writing for him now so it was nigh unto palatable. Not that I enjoyed it.

May 16, 2006 8:20 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Oh, and ps to Cardinal Sin and JA: You people are freaks. I love you, but you are freaks. I just googled for a woman on a fainting couch. Who knew she was real and anyone not entirely Swedish would know who she was. Mercy, mercy, mercy.

May 16, 2006 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I'm glad the talons have been removed!! Lorraine, you never fail to make me laugh!! *smiles*

May 17, 2006 6:04 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Thanks, Miss HP. Knowing who you live with, that's high praise indeed. (You must just be blowing milk out of your nose all the time with that guy!)

May 17, 2006 6:23 PM  

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