Thursday, March 09, 2006

Faith Voices for the Common Good

For those of you out there in Blogtopia who are believers and who feel that the Iraq War, among other things, is not a reflection of true "moral values", you might be interested in this opportunity to come together with other people of faith and develop a statement on the Iraq war. It's an online writing project, March 20-21, on the 3rd anniversary of the war. (Time does fly when you're accomplishing your mission, doesn't it?)

For some, "moral values" has to do with whether or not to let Adam and Steve get married. For others that phrase encompasses issues like war, poverty, care for the environment and social justice. The other guys have had the podium for a long time. But progressive faith groups are rising up to say, "Ya know, I've been taking a gander at the gospels and I'm not seeing a real fit between the teachings of Jesus and the rhetoric of this administration. Just saying". Faith Voices is one such organization. (It is an ecumenical group and while I'd guess tht the majority of members are in Christian denominations it isn't exclusive of other faith traditions).

There was a time when I was reluctant to identify myself as a Christian, not because I was ashamed of my faith but because I was humiliated by how it was being co-opted for the purposes of power and political gain. It still bugs me enormously but I realized that hiding my light under the proverbial bushel wasn't going to shut anybody up and further, it was doing just as much harm. The only way to reclaim the faith and change the public discourse (and perception) is to speak up.

'K, that said, I know some of you bloggers out there are on a similar page and you might want to lend your thoughts and writing talents to this project. I've been involved in similar projects with Faith Voices. It's easy, fun and I really think some of you should look into it. (You know who you are).



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