This is me, striding the Halls of Power. We had a meeting with an aide in Senator Murray's office. You have to go through security (of course) to get into any of the senate office buildings but once in you can walk through the halls, passing the large and impressive offices of the senators. There was something magnificent about that.

When we had our meeting in Senator Murray's office we acted very professionally and cool. Until the aide offered us tickets to the galleries for the House and Senate, giving us passage into the places where laws are passed. I can't tell you why, but I lost it.
They were debating
amendments to the Wall Street reform bill when we were there. Only 2 senators were on the floor at the time but it was quite something to look down on all those desks (which we weren't allowed to photograph), desks that are as old as the Capitol itself. And it was restorative to listen to the remarks of the senators, who were thoughtful, well-spoken and not remotely hysterical. It was a reminder that the sound bites we get may be full of clamouring partisanship but the real work is conducted without fisticuffs.

The trolley was moving quickly through Arlington so it was hard to get a good shot. But that was
appropriate because I was blubbering like a baby.

Julia's pots and pans. '
Nuff said.

No photography was allowed in the exhibit where the Smithsonian displays the flag that flew over Fort McKinley...the flag that inspired the "Star Spangled Banner". So this artwork will have to fill in. But seeing that tattered old mess with it's smattering of hand-sewn stars blew my mind.

lunch counter from Gainsborough, North Carolina; site of one of the sit-ins from the Civil Rights movement.

These beautiful young people did a 20 minute program about the importance of song in the Civil Rights movement. It was incredibly moving and by the time they wrapped up I was once again
embarrassing MAB with my weeping.

This is me (with -from the top- Rachael, Mary and Lisa) on the staircase at
Gadsby's Pub, the oldest tavern in Alexandria. All the big names from the birth of our nation used to get their drink on here. (We were there for the final feast of the conference). These stairs lead to the room where Thomas Jefferson held his inaugural dinner and dance. Thomas Freaking Jefferson walked on these stairs, people. Thomas Jefferson!
Labels: things that make me cry, travel
Maybe I should tour with you next time you're in town.
Here's a hankie.
I love it. Washington DC as whole makes me cry.
This is a town full of amazing, emotional sights. I cry frequently when we are there.
Thomas Jefferson, eh? Don't tell Texas...
Seriously, though, it sounds like an incredible time--very happy for you!
Word v: axifyin. Which is obviously going to be the new slang for "ask".
I'm going there before I die....I swear i am.
I would have been a big puddle of goo upon seeing Julia's pots and pans.
It's good to know you were there.
P, L, H & BTs
Yay! You're alive!!
Welcome back.
Peace out.
That is so cool! I'm so happy that you got to experience all of that! :) I am envious of you, too, that you got to hear a Senate debate--we didn't get to do that while we were there.
Also, glad you're back blogging! :)
Thomas Freakin' Jefferson!!..I'd cry too.
We loved doing DC (like the way I put that?) with the Swiss Son. So much to see and do and the lunch counter so made me cry.
Way late to the party- but I am so pleased you had such a swell time. And more than pleased you took a break from strolling the corridors of power and dealing with important folk for a nosh and a drink or two, it was truly lovely to see you Cuz.
PS- the word is hymaca, we didn't eat any of that did we??
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