Things in Omaha That Made Me Laugh (or Smile or Otherwise Happy)
But most of all, it is a spa vacation because the whole time I am there we do whatever we want. We eat when, where and what we want, drink when and where we want, watch stuff on TV if we want, sit around talking if we want, entertain if we want. There is not a smitch of obligation about the time and it feels languorous and restorative - a total break and the complete opposite of my real life, which is full of obligation and deadline and expectation and responsibility. (Not that there is ultimately anything wrong with that but lordy, a girl needs a break once in a while).
The other thing about being in Omaha is that there is a lot of laughing. And laughing is a very healthy thing.
Miss Smay, holding forth. Always amusing.
The birthday boy received a lot of gifts to ease his transition into his golden years. Like reading glasses and adult diapers.
They were pretty comfy.
They also provided a source of endless amusement for Miss Smay.
Here he is, using a diaper to assist his Lady Gaga impersonation.
Jon (pretty much all JP's friends are required by law to have a name that begins with "J". I was grandfathered in) wasn't any good at the Kung Fu dance on the Wii so he used the controller as a microphone and rocked out instead.
Then we danced. Minogue, the most photogenic woman in the world. Also one of the sweetest. Provided, that is, she does not receive crappy service in her favorite restaurant. You do not want to be on the receiving end of her ire in that circumstance.
My Poodle...
who I love very much.
Labels: good friends, JP rules, travel
This is my favoritest thing you have ever written, for obvious reasons. And also because someone who didn't know me and read this might think I was a somewhat decent person, whether it be true or not.
Omaha misses you, and is anxiously awaiting your next spa visit.
And I realize now, that it was not just the writing but your photo selection as well that portrayed me as somewhat decent. And Lord knows how many other photos you had to choose from.
Bless you. I'm paying for dinner next time we meet.
JP sounds like a very nice, decent man.
I love this whole thing. :) Expecially the diaper picture.
P, L, H & BTs
Sometimes it is best to think of what one will say before saying it so that is why this comment is here and not the previous days.
It would not surprise me at all if both The Child and Super Spouse do the (Snicker, Snicker, Snicker), whenever they see you getting ready for work or coming home from the long day. Am sure I would. I mean cmon now, you just returned from the lifetime trip to D.C., follow it up with a stop off at buddy land in Omaha and expect some sympathy when life returns to normal for you and they have off?
(Snicker, Snicker, Snicker)
I just looked at the pictures again.
Nice do!
Ok, sweetest? Maybe. Most photogenic? Not sure about that.
I am now armed with my own camera - a Canon Rebel XTi with two, count 'em, TWO lenses - and am also anxiously awaiting your next visit so we can trollup through the cornfields and tip cows.
Hope the Child liked her souvenir. She so deserved it. Hope you've enjoyed your souvenir(s) as well.
And I emailed said favorite restaurant, to no avail. Not happy.
I kid you not,my word veri is 'ulisess'..No doubt,in honor of your superfantastic oddysey of travelin' fun!
How fun of a time was that? Yes, we are all anxiously awaiting another visit. Thanks for dancing with me, fancy feet :-)
Sounds lovely, Rainey. :)
Friends like your Poodle really make life ever-so-sweet. :) :)
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Great post, great pics--- I had to delete my green with envy post.
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