Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Frustration and A Dream

The email troubles continue. This morning I booted up my computer to find that my incoming messages are now no longer working. I know this because I always start my day with with an inbox containing the NY TImes and the Writer's Almanac, a dozen messages from and myriad spam messages. Today? Not so much as one hot stock tip or means of acquiring pharmaceuticals cheap. I need a backup email account.

I slept through the alarm, thus missing my morning workout. This owes in no small part to having lain awake for several hours in the middle of the night mulling over things over which I have no control (HATE that) and when I finally did fall back to sleep I had a very weird dream:

Some chappie with an odd name came to tell me that a friend wasn't what he seemed and was actually living in a state-run facility in one (very undecorated) room because he was a perverse danger to society and should be avoided. I couldn't believe that on the mere word of this strange chappie who seemed to know so much and sure enough, a little investigation proved that the friend had been bugged by the NSA and they put him in this jail-like situation because he was on record as hating George W. Bush. So I spent most of the dream trying to free my friend but in the meantime I went to a mall and bought cigarettes for The Child (????? - I know, even in my dream I thought that was pretty whacked. Maybe I bought them for the imprisoned friend but it is still weird that I would give them to her to hold). Anyway, the smokes had to be hidden because on our way to the elevator we ran into an old college buddy who was shopping with his parents and then I was at home (and no one was smoking, so that's a relief) and the Very Creative Neighbor down the street came through with a pack of children who were fundraising for their school by erecting a cardboard set on your lawn and singing "Another Opening, Another Show". It was pretty good so I went into the house to get the checkbook and looking out the dining room door saw that the roof of the Neighbor's house was covered with wet toilet tissue. I was just getting ready to yell at The Child for what was obviously her idea of a prank when I realized the tissue was in our yard too and then I looked up and it was actually snowing big, fat, blanket-the-world-in-no-time flakes, which was lovely so we (meaning us and The Neighbor) all gathered on the deck to watch it and The Spouse started sobbing and saying, "Why didn't I put up the Christmas lights? It would be so Norwegian!", meaning the glow of the lights on the new-fallen snow and then I woke up.

So I missed my workout. Which is unfortunate because we had pasta AND garlic bread for dinner last night, which isn't really in my diet plan at the moment. But The Child's Best Friend Since First Grade is visiting us and I wanted to make her favorite pasta. Unfortunately, tonight, she has requested pizza. I have to take The Dog on a power walk. Maybe 3 power walks. And not eat. Yeah, that's the ticket.

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Anonymous Anonymous opined...

That's the lamest excuse for not getting up to work out I've ever heard.

Not that I care of course due to the no-guilt nature of our working-out relationship.

But seriously, mistaking snow for toilet tissue? Maybe in some remote Norwegian wilderness....

You must have been smoking SOMETHING -

August 30, 2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

LAME? I got 3 hours of sleep! Sheesh. And hello, I'm not sure you are exactly the person to be commenting on the nature of someone else's dreams. I seem to recall something....

August 30, 2006 10:59 AM  
Blogger Eric opined...

"the Very Creative Neighbor down the street came through with a pack of children who were fundraising for their school by erecting a cardboard set on your lawn and singing "Another Opening, Another Show". "
That was probably then most surreal part of this whole story and really not a bad fund raising idea.
Off to the Show Cave!

August 30, 2006 3:40 PM  
Blogger Grish opined...

Well Lorraine, I have not been able to go work out recently and I feel terrible. I hope I can go again soon or maybe have my home equipment set up one or the other...

August 30, 2006 5:21 PM  

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