Monday, April 24, 2006

Funky Blogger

I can only assume everyone else is having the same issues I am with Blogger today but you know what? I kinda don't care. The fact of the matter is, I spend way, way too much time on my computer. And even though a large amount of that time is spent composing, I'm thinking that a little break isn't the worst thing in the world.

I have 3, count them, 3 writing projects for this week. The final edits on the liturgy book must be done because Writer Friend is expecting his copy at the end of the month. Another little project is due May 1. Meanwhile, I heard last week that one of my submissions is being considered for a book project I found online months ago. But the format has changed and so writers are invited to rework their submissions within the new guidelines. Strictly speaking, that deadline is the middle of May. But the point is, I have things to do. (Gives excited little yelp of writerly joy).

And may I just say, "ahhhhhhhhh". The Child is back at school, where she belongs. She was very perky and adorable this morning. So much so that we were early to school. This is a good thing. A Monday morning that gets me home and walking The Dog before 8 a.m. is a very good Monday morning, indeed.

Now I'm going to get back to work but not before putting on the soundtrack to "Moulin Rouge" because I have GOT to get "Xanadu" out of my head.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I think their changing the format to terza rima, though, was just cruel.

April 27, 2006 8:48 AM  
Blogger Middle Child opined...

I love Xanadu. My tow daughters 31 and 28 love Xanadu. Don is not so keen. But then he is a blokey bloke.

April 27, 2006 11:47 PM  

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