Thursday, April 20, 2006

Reconnected and It Feels so Good

I am an addict. I hate to admit it but there it is. I didn't have my email all day and despite all sorts of ctrl-alt-del-ing and switch pushing nothing worked and I had to wait until The Spouse came home to fiddle with it. (Note to Self: You are so screwed if he pre-deceases you. Hopefully the insurance money would cover payments to the computer hacker I'd have to hire to figure out the convoluted and very high tech thing we have going on here).

When my email was finally restored and all those little messages started burbling up I was so happy to see them. Even the ones from Effervesent Mortality and friends offering huge deals on Viagra and computer parts.


Blogger Unknown opined...

My name is gina and I am an addict. :) Fortunately, I'm the one who can fix things when they go pfffft! If I predecease my husband, he is totally screwed. He has no clue. Not about the bills, the online savings accounts, the TiVo, and especially not about the computer. My son would have to bail him out, but no one knows my passwords. I should put them somewhere safe but accessible in case of disaster, I suppose.

April 21, 2006 11:11 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Gina - I keep thinking that I need The Spouse to write all that stuff down and put it in a safe deposit box somewhere. Because then at least you could come make sense of it for me.

April 21, 2006 3:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Hehehe... that would work! :)

May 01, 2006 4:51 PM  

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