Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Be Mine

On this day, which honors the confused legend of a saint who may or may not have existed, my thoughts turn fondly to all the things I love.

I love the word "thing". I had an English teacher in high school who I adored. She taught me many things and one day she will get a credit in one of my books because she affirmed and encouraged my nascent interest in writing. But she hated the word "thing". If you used it in an essay you were immediately marked down. To this day I am concious of my use of "thing" and I struggle mightily to avoid it. Sometimes, though, it just works. Maybe it's laziness. Probably is. But whenever I use it I think of BJ and her winning ways as a teacher, demonstrating that the word is, in fact, useful.

I love that some adventurous soul once found bitter berries on a bush, held them over a fire, smashed them with a rock, steeped the powder in water and took it to his wife who said, "This is the best part of waking up". I also love my Cuisinart coffee maker.

I love The Dog, though he barks at all living creatures. I love The Child, even though she thinks I'm ridiculous. I especially love The Spouse because he is my own darling geek. He is no Steve Martin, but then, he also never felt compelled to remake the "Pink Panther" movies.

I still love Steve Martin, though.

I love that The Spouse has figured out how to incorporate movie-making, which he loves, into his life without requiring us to live in LA.

I love my little house with it's colorful walls, big ass stove and amusing dust bunnies. I love my broom.

I love my Jane Austen action figure, my laptop and Kitchenaid stand mixer. They do not return my affection but they brighten my days.

I love all my imaginary friends in Blogtopia. There are some very funny, literate people out there and I look forward every day to their comments on the world.

I love chicken and artichoke pot pies and wine-poached pears with chocolate sauce. That's what I'm making for dinner tonight. The Neighbor is joining us and I expect we'll have a very festive time. I love that there is a fresh episode of "Gilmore girls", tonight of all nights.

And so, Dear Reader, I hope you too have a list of things you love. If there is a person on it, by all means tell him or her, although I certainly hope you do so more than once a year. And if you don't have someone at the moment, please don't let it bother you. Love usually sneaks up on you when you aren't looking, anyway. Meanwhile, I wish you a very happy Completely Made-up Hallmark Day.

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