Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Day

In case you are wondering what I'll be doing all day, let me state, for the record, that I am not at all sad to be excluded from this little Ring party. Actually, I'm perfectly welcome to sit in if I wish but I'm not a fan. I read The Hobbit when I was a kid and loved it but I could never get past the first 3 pages of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien was big when I was in college and I did sometimes feel a little left out but seriously, I just didn't get it. I was more of a John Milton/C.S. Lewis/Charles Williams kinda gal.

I saw the first movie but would sum up the story as "A bunch of hobbits spend 2 hours running away". Seriously. All they do in that movie is run away from stuff. Meanwhile, there's Gandolf. I was under the impression that he was some great wizard but all he does is tell the hobbits to run away and then he runs away with them. What is that about? Powerful wizards are supposed to do powerful stuff, aren't they? (In response to this charge Dave said that sometimes running away is the brave thing to do. Which is probably deep and true but for my money, give me a tough guy like Albus Dumbledore. Now that's a wizard).

So while the boys have their marathon I'm going to hang out, read the new issue of O magazine, do my nails, give myself a facial and maybe eat some bonbons. I have to glam up because tonight I'm helping out at the 8th Grade Dinner. It's a '40's theme and the organizers have turned the cafeteria into the grand ballroom of a New York hotel. I am going to be the receptionist and manage the wait staff. I have this terrific black suit with a pencil skirt and a sheer apricot blouse which will be set off by a fabulous hat and shoes. My lipstick and nails are going to be painted red and I'm working on a Katharine Hepburn-y voice. (This requires additional practise because sometimes I start to sound like Tim Gunn). I've got to do something about my hair and The Neighbor said she'd set it in pin curls for me because apparently that's how you create that Veronica Lake sort of wave. I can't wait. I love playing dress-up.



Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Love your thoughts on how straight men view their friends, because it is different than women, and I think maybe the gay view is different than both. I'm inspired to write about that now...

But what I really wanted to say is that I hope you get pictures from your costume tonight, because I'm excited now. Probably too late, but if you happened to get one or two, please post.

And I am in no position to mock the geekiness of The Spouse, considering my current infatuation with Battlestar Galactica. Seriously, It's giving Gilmore Girls a run right now.

January 21, 2006 11:30 PM  
Blogger Hina opined...

I didn't get Lord of the Rings either, but I must confess, the faceless/black cloaked men on the horses scared the crap out of me!

Hope you enjoyed the 40's dinner, it's great to dress up. I wish I had a reason to do it too!!

January 22, 2006 2:51 AM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

Congrats to the Spouse and his friends for managing to set aside a whole day for hedonistic escapism. We own all three LOTR DVD boxed sets, but still haven't had a chance to watch them in all their turgid, interminable, director's-cut glory. Our kids are still high-maintenance, and way too young to deal with orc decapitations, dying oliphants, and all that swearing in elvish.

And thanks to you for not making too much fun of geeks. We're actually much more sensitive than our Dungeons & Dragons alter-egos.

January 22, 2006 11:11 AM  

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