Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good Things about Being Sick

1. The Spouse has to (gets to?) cook dinner AND clean the kitchen. I don't have to, because I'm sick.

2. Sleeping until 10:30a.m. without a smitch of guilt.

3. Being found endearing when I spent the afternoon switching back and forth between the Seahawks playoff game and the original "Parent Trap". The Spouse saw this as a charming demonstration of "the duality of" my nature. I would maintain that it was because I was sick. But that's the sort of thing that keeps him around (I think), so I'll take it.

4. Honey lemon cough drops, like candy only helpful.

5. Needing to stay inside under blankies because of the chills because it is day 28 of the freaking rain and if I was feeling well I'd have to go grocery shopping. Thank heaven I went to Costco before the contagion set it and had a bag o' chicken in the freezer. (See #1)

6. Dibs on the TV. The Child, having started earlier, is feeling much better but she feels sorry for me so I can go into a room where she's watching the Disney channel and commandeer the tube without evoking the standard, "Because I'm your mother, that's why" line. And then she'll even watch with me and rub my neck. She's a good kid.

7. Knowing that if my posts are incoherent or unamusing or completely without any decernible value it doesn't matter because I'm sick. I'll just get points for being upright.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I suspect there are many more things that keep him around. Get well soon.

January 14, 2006 10:39 PM  

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