Tuesday, January 17, 2006

On The Mend

There certainly is something to be said for getting up in the morning, putting on clothes and eating breakfast. Add a couple mugs of fresh hot coffee to that equation and you have a really fine start to the day. I highly recommend it.

That was about as normal as the day got, however. Our church is hosting some sort of ministers conference this week and The Child's choir was singing the morning office. But during the prayer I kept noticing her slipping out of the choir stall and into the sacristy so I left to find out what was going on. No, she wasn't sneaking into the sacramental wine. She was pacing in the schola room, clutching her stomach and looking pale. And no, it wasn't nerves either. She loves to sing and the bigger the audience the better. So I brought her home instead of taking her back to school.

It might be argued by some that she was just looking for another day off. It's possible, but I have a hard time imagining her missing out on singing unless she really didn't feel well. She's a bit of a drama queen but she's not that good of an actress. Yet. Plus, I told her that if she went home she wasn't going out in the afternoon, she couldn't watch any TV and she had to read in bed. And she didn't balk at any of that. And, in the end, so what if she was just trying to get out of school? Every body needs a mental health day once in a while. But she is so going back tomorrow!


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