Friday, January 06, 2006

Multiple Choice Question

Please take out a number 2 pencil and choose the correct answer to the following question:

Lorraine has sore legs. This is:

a) God's judgement on her for being a woman.
b) God's judgement on her for being a Democrat.
c) God's judgement on her for being a Catholic (because I don't think that counts as Christian to Pat Robertson).
d) God's judgement on her for believing in the separation of church and state.
e) God's judgement on her for thinking that science does nothing to inform faith and likewise faith has nothing to do with science -or-
e) because after weeks of inactivity she has started exercising again.

Did I leave anything out, Mr. Robertson?



Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Ah yes, but you forgot

f.) because she is pro-choice.

Good luck with those legs...


January 06, 2006 11:43 AM  
Blogger Bad Alice opined...

Absolutely all of the above. Lorraine, you're just draggin' the nation down.

January 06, 2006 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Congrats on finishing the book and getting the new year off to a great start

January 06, 2006 1:04 PM  

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