Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Poor Thing, She's Just Exhausted

It is almost 3 pm and all I really want is a nap.

I woke up early, as I've been doing for months. Instead of fighting it, as I've been doing for months, I decided to get up. Ok. It was 5:20. Psychologically, that is way too early for anyone not living on a dairy farm. But I made coffee, packed a lunch, made crepe batter for breakfast, wrote an email to one of my very favorite neices and went to work out. Then, after the usually morning liturgy with The Child I went into the Cantwell office for the morning. Then I went back over to school to help The Child and her class with a hurricane relief fundraiser that they are doing. (Selling dog biscuits for the ASPCA...today is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, good tie-in). Ran home for a sandwich and then took The Dog over to his sister's house for a chew date.

I am sooooooooooo tired right now. It's all I can do not to crawl into bed. But I knew I had to blog (faithful readers and all that). And if I nap now it will just make me feel soggy for the rest of the evening. So I'll self-medicate with some afternoon coffee (I never drink coffee in the afternoon) and keep it together through picking up The Child, homework monitoring, dinner preparation and mealtime. And then? I'm going to watch "Gilmore girls" and maybe West Wing in a Dress and then I am so going to bed.

If I keep getting up this early one of two things is going to happen. Either I'm going to get used to it and I won't have sandpaper eyes at 3pm every day or I'll be so tired when I go to bed that it will take reville being played right in my ear to wake me up. I'm good either way.


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