Thursday, November 09, 2006


I am relieved. As this wildly wonderful week pulls to a close, I am relieved.

Turns out, the Republicans haven't had Osama bin Laden stashed in an attic, waiting to pull him out on November 6.

Turns out, the system works. The truth is, the "American People"...all us regular folk, don't like it when our government swings too violently to the right or the left. Sometimes we push it, but in the end, we always try to pull things back to the center. And we do. By voting. In large numbers. And when we do that, we prove the fundamental genius of this thing called democracy.

Listen, I have been afraid. The last six years have increasingly scared the crap out of me. We've had a President who believes in expanding the powers of the executive branch and a rubber stamp Congress that was all too willing to let him run amok. Things like privacy, decency and habeaus corpus have gone missing. And all the while, fine people with decent minds have said, "It's ok. I have nothing to hide. I don't care who listens to my conversations". And other equally fine people with decent minds have been prone to conspiracy theories and dark imaginings.

And golly, didn't they try to rend us apart? All one had to do was raise a question to be accused of lacking patriotism. All one had to do was belong to one party and be accused of either being a hateful, bigoted, crazy-for-the-Apocolypse nut job or a terrorist-loving, America-hating traitor. There was no middle ground. And a lot of us bought it. Even the ones who should have known better.

We have spent the last six years in All or Nothing Land. You had to be a conservative or a liberal, a patriot or a traitor. You couldn't say much of anything without worrying that you had to explain yourself. The criteria for membership to various clubs was clear and if you didn't adhere 100%, there was no sense in applying.

But today, I'm not afraid. I know that our president can't unilaterally start Armageddon just because he thinks that's what Jesus wants him to do. I know that some of the worst assaults on the Constitution can now be turned back. I know that there are already people talking a'plenty about the need for diplomacy and negotiation. The federal government might actually raise the minimum wage. Steps may now be taken toward getting the budget back under control so that The Child and The Child's Child don't have to be burdened with massive federal debt. There may, finally, be a political solution to the misbegotten morass that is Iraq. And then, in 2 years, George W. Bush will move off to Crawford with his comic books and whatever "legacy" he is able to salvage* and no matter who is elected in '08, Republican or Democrat he** can't POSSIBLY be worse than George W. Bush has been.

Checks and balances. It's a pretty simple concept and it works pretty well. I look forward to seeing it in action over the next 2 years.

* Whatever positive legacy he achieves will be in these last 2 years, with the assistance of a Democratic legislature. The GOP failed Bush as much as they failed the rest of us.

** I love Hillary Clinton but I think it would be a huge mistake for her to run for president in '08. This country will elect a black man before it elects a woman of any color. The only way we get a woman president in the first half of this century is if Cheney and Bush were impeached and Pelosi became President. And that ain't happening. Just saying. Bet me some cheese.



Blogger Grish opined...

And other equally fine people with decent minds have been prone to conspiracy theories and dark imaginings

Hey! I resemble that remark! :P

November 10, 2006 12:56 AM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

Amen. But let's be clear: there are quite a few hateful, bigoted, crazy-for-the-Apocolypse nut jobs as well as terrorist-loving, America-hating traitors out there. At least in my family.

P.S. Gore for President.

November 10, 2006 5:06 AM  
Blogger TWISI opined...

GREAT post!

November 10, 2006 6:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

As much as I want to believe what you're saying will come true, I am afraid. I am afraid that the moderates will still not be portrayed as the majority, that the extremes of both parties will still yell the loudest, and be heard more often, and be viewed as representative of their "side", and that all the things we (those of us who aren't part of the "crazy-for-the-Apocalypse" or "America-hating traitor" bunch) hope will happen as a result of this election, will once again be disappointed by politicians playing politics. It just seems that when politicians get the power, they forget their promises, and start looking out for number one. It just seems that way, so I'm still afraid of lots of things.

November 10, 2006 7:00 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Me, too, Grish.

LA, Well aware that there are still extremist of both stripes among us. It is just immensely comforting, in this moment, that there's hope again for the center. I like the center. Especially when it's filled with caramel. Or nouget.

Thanks, Kendall. Now stop lording the election over your brother.

Gina, The best recommendation I can give you is to stay on them. Even the reps who aren't yours. Email them, call their offices, write letter when you see them start to slip away. Of course politicians are going to play politics. How much of that they get away with depends on whether we bother to call them on it or just sit on the sidelines shaking our heads.

November 10, 2006 7:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

Beautifully stated. I hope that we are on our way to a time that we can talk above the din of partisanship and fear.

As for 2008, I'm supporting Bill Richardson. Or Tom Vilsack. I think.

November 10, 2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

It would be refreshing, for sure, Alan.

As for '08, I'm thinking I'll wait until there's more than one person declaring. (What's up with that? Seriously? We just got out of an election cycle and somebody thinks this is a great time to start a campaign? Basta! Give us a little bit of a break here please).

November 10, 2006 8:11 AM  
Blogger HORIZON opined...

Let's hope all is for the better now Lorraine.
Great post. Loved the "cused of either being a hateful, bigoted, crazy-for-the-Apocolypse nut job or a terrorist-loving, America-hating traitor. There was no middle ground.'" bit-lol
I have to say that l DO think Hilary will be the first woman president- have thought for a while.
Bests to you and yours and hope your all keeping well- enjoy the weekend!

November 10, 2006 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

hmmm cheney and bush impeached with pelossi as prez would be cool with me.....

i'm with you in political spirit lorraine!!!!!!

go '08 no more bush!!! (or member of the bush regime...)

November 10, 2006 2:20 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Have I mentioned what a fine clan the Iwanski clan is?

November 10, 2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Hi Horizon! Nice to see you again! Hillary would no doubt make a fine President but if she runs it will be one of the most divisive, mean-spirited campaigns EVAH and that's saying a lot. The problem with Hils is, people either love her or hate her. Not a lot of middle ground there. And I think it will be nearly impossible for anyone of either party to be elected in '08 without the middle.

Thanks you for your good wishes, Charlie. America thanks you. Sorry about our catfish.

November 10, 2006 5:12 PM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

Great post. This is the kind of fantastic writing that keeps me coming back.

Actually, though, I must disagree wiht you on thing. Hillary.
I think she can win. She is not my first choice because she's a total politician and a Senator (I prefer governors.)

But I think Hillary could attract 1.2 new voters for every 1 misogynist she scares away. I honestly think Hillary's campaign would lead to the largest turnout in history.

Unless she made a major gaffe, or her opponenet was a genius candidate, all across this country, millions of women who usually do not vote would vote for the first time in order to be part of history. She'd win w/ 80 million votes and 70 million would vote agasint her.

She'd carry every state except the South, Utah and Alaska.

Or so I say.

November 10, 2006 5:25 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Well, that is an interesting perspective, Iwanski. Time will tell. For now, I'm just basking in the joy of this moment. A moment made brighter by a particular UPS shipment about which I will be blogging momentarily.

November 10, 2006 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

I have a confession...I really don't care if we have a Democrat or Republican in the White House..There,I said it.
I most emphatically care when anyone starts messing with MY Constitution.
We done good!

November 11, 2006 9:55 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Sling, I hear you. Frankly, I sometimes think that the best arrangement is a Democratic legislature and a Republican president. Assuming he's not a moron. Seriously, could they ever do worse that W? And I think the GOP will necessarily have to run a moderate in '08, which will only be a good thing.

Doesn't mean I'd necessarily vote for the'll all depend. But I agree, anyone who starts doing to the Constitution what these clowns NOT ok. (And when I think about him with his hand on the Bible swearing to uphold the document he's tried to trash...don't get me started!)

November 11, 2006 9:59 AM  
Blogger Len opined...

Very well said. Bush is no saint, but hey, he's the product of democracy. And yes, the system corrects itself. You're still living in one of the greatest countries in the world. Enjoy it.

November 11, 2006 9:42 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I have been, Lenny. I have been. Thanks for stopping by.

November 12, 2006 8:27 AM  

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