Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's Not the Heat....

I have a little trick for staying cool. After the thermometer passes a certain point, say, oh, 90, I stop looking at it. Not knowing how hot it is keeps me from obsessing about the number, which only agitates my molecules, creating additional heat. I bring this up because it was warmish yesterday. Warmish in a "I'm sitting in the shade not moving and yet sweat is pouring from me; how odd" sort of way.

The bad news is, the residual warmishness collected in the bedroom, making it very hard to sleep. The Spouse finally gave up and went outside with a sleeping bag. (The Dog went too, for a while, and it was actually cooler without them. Until The Dog started barking at someone who had the audacity to walk by at midnight (no doubt someone else who couldn't sleep) so I brought him in but I wouldn't let his little furry self near me).

So it was warm. People needed to sleep and couldn't. And all I'm going to say about that is I pray to God this family is never confronted with a real crisis because, well, let's just say that grace under pressure is not our strong suit. (I kept hearing sirens all night so maybe we weren't the only once who were, shall we say, not coping. But seriously, we are a bunch of fracking babies).

So, it looks like we're getting an air conditioner. I suppose, if this global warming thing keeps up, we will have more than 3 nights a summer when it is too hot to sleep so maybe it is a reasonable investment. I do hope to convince people that we needn't run it every time the sun is out to avoid skyrocketing our already astronomical electric bill. And I admit to being less than thrilled that installation of same will make our house look, oh, how shall I say it?, like a double wide trailer. Which will be fine for next week, during our annual Forth o' Juleye Trailer Trash party but afterward not so much. Still, another night like last night would be bad. Very bad.

The morning has dawned fair and no doubt the temperatures will soar, causing us to tear out each other's throats making us a tad uncomfortable if we exert ourselves too much. For my part, I'm heading out under the umbrella, drinking a lot of water, not moving and keeping myself in the dark about the record-breaking June heat. Also, I'm not getting a Hummer after all.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

That must be a lovely climate you have out there if you've gotten by this long without AC. Or at least it used to be... {evil laugh}

Me, and Al Gore, and the cylons: We have a plan.

June 27, 2006 11:53 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

JP, Thank you for that comment. My original post actually had a cylon reference and I'm glad you made the connect. And by the way, you, Al Gore and the cylons are very evil.

Elroy, Too true. Fortunately all the newly transplanted godless Californias cleaned Costco out of air conditioners before we could, in a weak moment, betray our NW heritage. I don't have an umbrella.

June 27, 2006 6:43 PM  

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