Saturday, April 29, 2006

Blog Games

I will posit that Blogtopia is a place and one of my proofs is that it has a culture. It is early Saturday morning so I am not going to explore this in depth. But part of a culture is games. In Blogtopia we play tag.

Here's what I know about tag in Blogtopia. Nothing. Every once in a while I've seen someone "tagged" in their comments but I didn't really get it. Not unlike the play yard in school, I've just stood on the sidelines watching the cool kids have fun. But now I've been tagged, which either means I'm one of the cool kids or jp is just mean and setting me up for some horrible humiliation that will come down during the civics test in 6th period. But I'm hopeful.

So my task is to tell you 6 neurotic things about myself. Then I have to tag 6 other bloggers. That might be weird because my bloggy world is so close that I have to assume that jp has already tagged all the people I would tag. Plus there's the whole "you annoying biatch" thing if I tag someone who doesn't like to play reindeer games.

1) I worry too much about whether or not people will think I'm a biatch if I tag them in Blogtopia.

2) When I was 13 or 14 I read a book wherein a young bride died of cholera in India, on her honeymoon, after eating grapes that were bought from a street vendor and ever since I've been afraid to go to India and eat fruit. I have also been unable to read Love in the Time of Cholera. (Oddly, I don't fear grapes).

3) Every time I get a headache I think it's a brain tumor.

4) Not only am I afraid of spiders but I think that if I squish them and flush them down the toilet they will climb back out to get me and be twice as big as they were when they died.

5) I worry that I will die in some manner that will make people laugh.

6) I was going to say that I worry about The Child all the time and you'd just chalk it up to general motherhood but, for example, when she was an infant I would check her every 5 minutes during naptime to make sure she was still breathing.

Now I have to go tag me a few bloggers who I hope will not be annoyed and understand that I'm tagging them because I think they would have some nice neurotic things to share and because I know they're cool. (Please don't hate me, please don't hate me....)

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Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Well done.

I share your #5. I picture myself waiting in line to get into Heaven and the guy in front of me asks how I got there.

"I was walking by this big shrub and a bird flew out and hit me in the head."

April 29, 2006 9:32 AM  
Blogger Lex Lata opined...

#6 is totally normal with a first (or only) child. But one gets way more laid back with each successive kid. I haven't even seen our second son since I put him down for a nap Thursday. I assume he's doing fine upstairs somewhere.

April 29, 2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger Display Name opined...

shit shit shit! JP tagged you before I could! Bastardo! I'm still claiming it.

April 29, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Br. Jonathan opined...

Lorriane - Iwanski turned me on to your blog and I've REALLY been enjoying it.
Actually, I have such a fear of Bigfoot that I passed up a ski trip to Montana. How's that?
Thanks for your work!

April 29, 2006 12:43 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

jp, I thought that shrub thing was hysterical.

Pat, But is it weird that I still check to see that she's breathing? 'K. I don't. Much. 'K, just when she doesn't wake up the first time I call her.

Angela, Go ahead. And in fact, I will do the same to meet my quota because of course the first place I checked after he tagged me.

Jon, Welcome. That Iwanski. What a dude. Bigfoot is very scary. I think that is a completely normal reaction.

April 29, 2006 1:25 PM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

1) I'm glad to be tagged. It iwll give me something to write about, which I desperately need sometimes.

2) Being afraid of eating fruit in India is the most totally rational fear I can imagine.


4) When I squish a spider, I wonder if 1,000 of its baby spiders are going to take reveng eon me.

5) It wouldn't be so bad. If you make people laugh in the manner in which you die, it will be like giving one last gift.

6) The Child is lucky.

April 29, 2006 3:05 PM  
Blogger Grish opined...

They all sound rational to me:)

April 30, 2006 11:48 PM  

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