Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I Can't Resist

First of all, if you search Google images for the veep, most of the pictures are singularly unflattering. He always seems to be caught in mid-sneer. I think that's unfortunate, but telling.

There was a headline in the Seattle Times yesterday that read, and I quote, "Cheney battling efforts to ban torture, abuse, officials say". That's right. He's been putting himself at odds with Rummy and Condi and just about all the rest of them to get lawmakers to oppose the McCain Amendment. (You remember John McCain...Viet Nam vet who was tortured in a POW camp. A man who has, shall we say, street cred on this subject). To be fair, apparently Cheney wants an exemption for the CIA...no one else is supposed to torture, just the feds. I'm sure the official wonks in blogdom have plenty of more insightful comments to make on this. But I just gotta say, torture is morally reprehensible. What does that make someone who advocates torture? A compassionate conservative? I think not.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

revoyddGeez, if her gonna quote me at least give me credit.

November 08, 2005 7:43 AM  

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