Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Don't Read This, Auntie Nan. It's Political.

This is a picture of the pot calling the kettle black. Bill Frist was outraged today when the Democrats invoked a little used parlimentary tactic to force completion of an investigation of the intelligence underpinning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Democratic Whip Richard Durbin said they wanted to find out if Americans were misled into believing the Iraq invasion was necessary. Senator Frist, the majority leader, called this tactic a "stunt" and said it was "an affront to the United States of America, and it is wrong."

You go, Bill. Because what with trying to get rid of the filibuster and being investigated for insider trading, lord knows you are the authority on stunts and affronts. You and your good buddy Trent Lott (the one looking all smug to Frist's right) know all about decorum, leadership and putting the good of the people over partisan politics. And a grateful nation thanks you.

By the way, this 'stunt' worked. Guess you do what you have to when you're the minority. Take notes, Bill, because after 2006, you'll know what that feels like. (Unless of course you're in jail by then).


Blogger Eric opined...

mmmrrrowwwr, phhhht phhhht.

November 01, 2005 6:49 PM  

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