Saturday, November 04, 2006

One of My Favorite Stories. Ever.

Back in the day, my friend Marcia was quite the little radical. Which, of course, was part of the reason I loved her. For a time she fell in with some straight up, card carrying Reds and decided I needed to go to one of their meetings. (Yes, there it is...I attended a meeting. Put me on the blacklist).

We gathered one sunny afternoon in this funky, huge old house on Capitol Hill and everyone seemed really friendly. I'd read a little Marx in college; you know, just enough to be dangerous, and of course, I'd seen plenty of Woody Allen movies. (What that actually had to do with anything I can't quite say but it made me feel equal to the situation).

So the meeting starts and we're talking about lord knows what and I raised some objection to a statement and I am frakking smacked down by this older, beareded Marxist dude. I mean, smacked down. Screw dissent. He reamed me for taking exception to some point of Marxist doctrine and while he didn't succeed in making me cry, it sure as hell made me think that if being that rude was part of the revolution, I was out.

I was seriously earnest back in the day. I wanted big change. Reagan was the President, for crying out loud. The Russians were going to nuke us at any frakking moment. It was a pretty intense time and I so earnestly and perkily wanted to make a difference. But if there was one thing about "revolution" that resonated with me it was the classic Emma Goldman line: "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution". This largish group of vegetarian, Birkennstock wearing commies might really believe in revolution and social change but they were seriously no fun to hang with. And that was the end of my commie experience.


A couple months later Marcia asked me to go with her to a party. It was a Halloween get-together with all the commies. All I could think was "Why?" These were some of the most humorless people I'd ever met. Partying with them seems like an oxymoron. But Marcia pleaded. Plus, I think, I made this really killer mushroom paté and, of course, the party was a potluck and Marcia wasn't much of a cook. So I went, with the proviso that she was not to leave me alone with any commie boys and that if I needed to split we would go immediately.

We go. We eat. We drink. We make small talk. I am fundamentally confirmed in my view that whatever I am, "commie" isn't it. And then. Someone puts on a record. And people start dancing. And they dance like crazy fools, with complete abandon and joie de vie and all sorts of other spirits that I had not seen manifest in these people. And they kept dancing until the album was over. And do you have any idea what that record was? Because I did not believe it myself, not then and frankly, not even so much now. Yes, my friends. It was "Thriller". It was still too late for them to make me a commie but dang it, that was one fun night.


Anonymous Anonymous opined...

oooh oooh Quote of the Day
"..if being that rude was part of the revolution, I was out."

November 05, 2006 1:00 AM  
Blogger Iwanski opined...

Michael Jackson, bridging the gaps between commies and people who enjoyed "Broadway Danny Rose"

I once signed some sort of socialist petition. They started calling me all the time wanting me to come to some communist get-together. Me! I believe in free trade! I voted for Tommy Thompson for governor!

But they wanted me for their communism. I avoided them, and after a few months, they got the hint. I never attended their meeting, but I'm sure I'm on some list somewhere.

So, when they come to take you away Lorraine, hopefully you and I will wind up in the same wing at Guantanamo.

November 05, 2006 8:46 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

Leon, Glad to see there are no hard feelings.

Me, too, Iwanski. And I hope they have pizza night.

November 05, 2006 9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

Hard to believe that the man capable of the "Thriller" album could not record a good song today to save his life.

But then, hard to believe that his sister, the woman capable of the "Control" album has just released the worst album of all time, when she needed a hit more than ever.

Yes, it still hurts.

November 05, 2006 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous opined...

It's a little known historical fact that Karl Marx just looooved showtunes..and say what you will about Michael,(really,say whatever comes to mind),but the kid can dance!

November 05, 2006 1:22 PM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

JP, Genius, it would appear, is a fleeting thing.

Sling, The guy in "Billie Jean" seems to be another person altogether. I guess he really was.

November 05, 2006 3:36 PM  
Blogger Grish opined...

Hey, I have that MJ LP somewheres...I very rarely admit to it though...:P

November 06, 2006 3:34 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

There is no shame in admitting to owning "Thriller", Grish. All we knew about MJ back then was that he'd made one of the definative pop records of the day. I say dig it up and spin it.

November 06, 2006 6:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown opined...

I love the black MJ. That boy could DANCE! And he was even good looking at that early stage of his plastic surgery addiction. Every song on the "Thriller" album is the bomb. I used to love watching him dance. He's a tragic joke now. And I agree with JP about Janet's new album. Ugh. She could dance too, and some of her hits were such great dance songs, but now.... that family has issues.

November 06, 2006 11:41 AM  
Blogger Lorraine opined...

I would so not want to spend Thanksgiving with that brood.

November 06, 2006 11:43 AM  

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