Saturday, September 10, 2005

Return of the Mojo

First week of school is over and I gotta tell you, it wasn't quite the return to order and accomplishment I'd hoped. Plagued, as I was, by assorted inconvenient physical issues, I didn't do a fraction of what I meant to do. I barely did anything to speak of. Lord, I didn't even blog!

I'm a firm believer in not beating myself up when I'm sick. If I don't feel well, I gotta take care of myself first. It's the old 'put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping someone else' thing. So I'm not really lamenting the lost writing time or the slightly less than stellar housekeeping. The place still looks good, it doesn't smell funny and everyone has ample clean underwear. And I did email my mom.

Routines have power. I have my little drills every day that are practically automatic. I sometimes am astonished at all the things I can accomplish before 8am, things which assure a smooth-running day. On a roll I can work out, shower & dress, unload the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, have coffee, read the NY Times on line and mix up some pancake batter beforeThe Child is up at 7 am. And if I accomplish all this then it means that when I return from the school drop-off, I can write without distractions. It also means that when I'm done writing I will most likely accomplish my zone work for the week, reboot the laundry, iron, check my email, do some book-keeping and all by 11 a.m. See what's happening here? To modify the old Army slogan ever so slightly, I get more done by 11 a.m. than most people do all day. Theoretically. When I'm on a roll. When I'm not in bed with my schnoodle and a sick headache. And when I have those sorts of days (the Army-like ones, not the lying in bed sort) I come to the "end of business", so to speak, with a sense of accomplishment and a kitchen clean enough to be photographed for a shelter magazine. (I really enjoy waking up to a clean kitchen). I will do what I wish with the evening hours peacefully free of nagging feelings about all that is undone.

But all these wondrous routines that lead to so much fulfillment are predicated on one basic principle: being able to function. And so I am glad that I'm feeling better because it's a good sign that the mojo is returning and next week will be better. But just to keep things interesting, both volleyball and choir start next week.



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